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Posts posted by castolon

  1. 25 minutes ago, Skipper said:

    I got Pfizer #2 yesterday late morning.   Arm was pretty sore (same with #1 - that was only symptom for first shot).   I felt more tired than normal last night but nothing too dramatic.   Then today had a minor headache and felt just a bit "off" (kind of like how you feel with a minor cold but without runny nose, etc.).  Who knows how much of that is in my head vs. actual side effects, but in any event, I finally said F it and popped a couple of Tylenol a couple of hours ago and feel fine and plan to work out in about an hour.   So pretty easy experience all in for me assuming more symptoms don't hit later.

    I got my second pfizer dose back in September as part of the trial. I felt run down and had a headache for a couple of days. I also had some unusual joint pain and had a temp of around 100F. It wasn't a big deal but I definitely noticed. 

  2. On 2/28/2021 at 10:57 PM, DougO said:

    I'm having a hard time seeing Odor being good at 3rd with his frequent WTF throws. Much narrower margin for error, though fewer opportunities. It could get interesting. Perhaps it can hasten his departure.

    They really gambled wrong on that contract. At least it's relatively meaningless money. Maybe we can take back the horses he got for his ranch. 

  3. 16 hours ago, Go Pokes said:

    Interesting. I read a few Jack Ryan books before they made the movies. I don’t recall picturing an actor while reading it, but though AB was perfect and HF was miscast. Of course, I also think Jim Halpert is pretty good as Jack Ryan. The Jack I remember from the books wasn’t an badass. He was an analyst.

    He may have been an analyst but he was also a Marine. 

  4. VMP lost me with the most recent round of price increases and the nonsense for a couple months with the swaps not working, but I will forever be grateful for getting turned on to Buena Vista Social Club. 

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  5. On 1/6/2021 at 6:52 AM, 52-80 said:

    What's the deal with Jocko Willink?  He gets name-dropped by everyone, especially Joe Rogan, as if they all have a mancrush on him.  Is he some legitimate renaissance man or some dude who hit it big with the right cult

    I've listened to every episode of the jocko podcast and I still don't know. The answer is neither, and both. There's this weird overlapping group that includes Rogan, Jocko, and Jordan Peterson that I don't really understand and makes me a little skeptical. Jocko has a particular worldview that's fairly transparent but also a little hard to nail down. He started a podcast shortly after he did Rogan's and Tim Ferris' podcast so I think he pulled his original listener group from there. The jocko/rogan overlap came through jiu jitsu/MMA. He has some fantastic guests if you're interested in military history with a heavy lean towards seals and the wars since 2001. The focus is somewhat mixed between great stories and leadership lessons. I have a healthy appreciation for the leadership/discipline stuff. His fanbase does seem a little nutty on social media and he's turned his leadership consultant company, podcast and books into some kind of a movement. Fair warning, his "cohost" is blah and it takes a minute before the podcast hits a decent stride. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 6 hours ago, FartingMonk said:

    She decided to come home with me.  Wouldn't take no for an answer


    Alright, where did you find one and do they have another? 

     I should add that I really love my XDM and am on the fence with a hellcat. 

  7. On 6/10/2020 at 7:42 PM, IDIOTsavant said:

    Also, William Clark Green's Rose Queen album was damn good. Haven't liked the newer stuff as much, but that album was pretty much good start to finish.

    I think the "problem" with some of these guys and their songs is that they get very specific in their writing. If the scenario they're talking about hits close to home, then it hits like a ton of bricks. If not, then it's good but not great. The transcendent songs don't need it to hit so close to home to leave that kind of impact. My example for WCG is "Still Think About You", which hits me hard, but I can see how it wouldn't move the meter for many other people. 

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  8. Texas is a state of mind. Texas is an obsession. Above all, Texas is a nation in every sense of the word. And there’s an opening convey of generalities. A Texan outside of Texas is a foreigner.

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  9. 6 hours ago, HRSchenker said:


    Also, do NOT read the reviews for the hike to Exit glacier. Those people are lying liars who will burn in hell one day. That was the hardest hike I've ever done in my life.

    One of the times I've been dangerously close to hypothermia. This is one of those hikes where you don't want to be a dumbass. (am sometimes a dumbass)

  10. 7 hours ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    I did the software update for the downshift thing, and my in dash display that used to show 1-6 for the gears and highlight which one it was in, is now gone. What’s that shit?

    There's instructions in the manual on how to turn that back on. 

  11. 3 hours ago, Nivek said:

    I seem to recall Snow Plows out in Lubbock when I was driving through and I recall the de-icing salts being dispersed on 35 in northern Austin many years back.

    Most drivers handled it fine. We were crossing an iced bridge out of Austin and driver’s were taking turns one at a time. One hot dog decided to go during my turn, passed me, spun out and hit the wall. I waved to them as I passed.

    The city of Lubbock has exactly 2 snow plows. Fun fact. 

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