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Posts posted by jkates

  1. 10 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    The UMC is a fundamentally American church.  Because of it's successful mission work, it has a strong presence in Africa and other parts of the world, but it remains, in membership, churches, and representation, a majority American church.

    And they want to keep it that way, it seems.

  2. 3 hours ago, VolenteHawk said:

    We’ve had various kids try them on the team I coach in Austin (USSSA, 2 3/4”, -10), never saw much difference and none have stayed with it.

    We ended the fall season over half Cat 8/Posey.


    Cat 8/Posey - smooth looking bats. The best hitter on my son's team uses one.

    I have a buddy who believes the Axe Bat has a lighter swing weight and the Cat 8 a heavier swing weight. He gives his stronger kids the Posey but won't let his little kids use it. My son falls on the smaller side. This buddy is the one who put the Axe Bat in my son's hands. 

  3. 12 hours ago, gsoda3 said:

    is he hitting more line drives?  i used one a few times and felt like it made me swing on an even plane.  or maybe it made me more aware of it.  which is what i wasn't going for. 

    He does seem to be making better contact, though not necessarily line drives. How much of that is attributable to the bat handle, I don't know. He bats lefthanded. His misses often resulted in flares or pop ups to SS/3B. He seems to have much fewer of those now. 

    I assumed that handle design might help reduce rollover ground balls. Haven't had a chance to see that yet as he hasn't played games with it. We've just been doing tee work, flips, front toss, BP.

  4. Don't discount the mental aspect.  If the bat feels better to him he may just be more relaxed at the plate.

    No doubt. The axe handle feels weird to me but I'm an old. He is comfortable with it.

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  5. God I don't miss that shit! 
    Huge placebo effect with bats...the one with the blue flames hits better than the other one, etc. Also, if it's cold enough and your kid hits hard, it's gonna get dented anyways. 
    Year-round baseball for that young is just crazy.  

    I wish you only missed year round baseball instead of the point. I'm asking about a bat with a different handle than any other. I'm not worried about blue flames or weather.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. 4 hours ago, zlavydra said:

    Anything going on with the team? Any news?  

    BREAKING: School is out for winter break and the students are home with their friends and families. Classes resume January 21.

  7. Do any of your kids use the Axe Bat? What do you think? Pros? Cons? Which one do they use (BBCOR, USABat, USSSA)? 

    My son (9 years old, 10 in April) grabbed an Axe Bat this fall and fell in love with it. He says it feels better in his hand. I don't notice a major difference in his swing mechanics but he is making better contact lately. This could simply be his development, his comfort, his confidence, the fact that he's hitting more this winter than last, or some combination. I'm not one who thinks that a different bat cures a swing problem. 

    Anyway, I think I'm about to pull the trigger on the 2020 Axe Avenge (-10) USSSA bat and was curious if any on here had opinions based on their kids' swinging one.

  8. 9 minutes ago, BradInATX said:






    It would have been with the 8 223 (or better 556) rounds the assailant could have fired from an AR


    Which I noted. I also noted that the shooter didn't seem interested in speed. He could have fired a lot faster, even with a shotgun. We'll likely never know why he didn't. Point being, the AR may have been worse, but not necessarily.

  9. 1 hour ago, yoladu said:

    excuse my ignorance on firearms, but should we be thankful that the shooter did not use a AR-15 type weapon?

    a more effective killing machine than a shotgun, correct?


    An AR-15 isn't necessarily the more effective killing tool. 

    That said, he could have fired more rounds in that time frame. But, it seemed like he wasn't interested in max carnage, because he also could have chosen to fire the shotgun more quickly. The AR would have required more precise aiming than the shotgun. I can't tell where the 2 congregants were struck, but the 2nd one seemed to get hit low. That proved to be lethal with the shotgun, maybe it would not have been with a .223? 

  10. 10 minutes ago, Goredho said:

    The pro-gun culture that is going to hail this as a “countless lives were saved” victory is the same one that enabled this lunatic to murder two people going to church.  If you value gun ownership, demand an investment in measures to keep them out of the hands of people that will use them for this purpose.  Otherwise, they will regulated away eventually.

    That's a bizarre first sentence, full of emotion but lacking legs. What about the pro-gun culture enabled this lunatic to have a shotgun and/or made him use it at this church?

    As to the 2nd sentence, plenty of pro-gun (really, pro-2A) folks - including the NRA, IIRC - argue for things like gun violence restraining orders. It's myopic to equate not supporting your preferred gun policies with inaction or enabling something like this.

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  11. "Don’t be deceived by this funny biz

    If you come to Jesus for money, then He’s not your God- money is

    Jesus is not a means to an end

    The gospel is He came to redeem us from sin

    And that is the message forever I’ll yell

    If you’re living your best life now, you’re headed for hell"   ~Shai Linne

    Sorry, Joel.

  12. Sat in a blind on Sunday evening with my 9-year old son. My dad sat in a different food plot. We didn't see much. A spike came out just after sunset. We let him walk because we were hoping for does and pigs. We'll try again this weekend. Still not much better than walking through the woods with my dad and son, even coming up empty.

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  13. What a 2019 season for the Astros. They didn't #TakeItBack but got as close as possible. In my best trying-not-to-sound-heartbroken-Bill-Belichick imitation, "We're on to 2020."

    I still trust Jeff Luhnow and his team to put together a top-level squad. I am still happy that Reid Ryan and his team work for the Astros. AJ Hinch is a great leader for the players. 


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