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Everything posted by jkates

  1. T-bone steak, hash browns, eggs and A1 Sauce from Waffle House
  2. This is like Mack Brown back to UNC.
  3. Execute them all. More quickly. This dude earned his nitrogen nap.
  4. Elon Musk is not understood https://caseyhandmer.wordpress.com/2024/01/02/elon-musk-is-not-understood/ Long story but an interesting read.
  5. Murray dominated Cenk there. "ill-traveled, ill-lettered, and ill-spoken " made me chuckle.
  6. The whole "Elon is antiSemitic" thing is hilarious. He's clearly not. He's also clearly weird. But what he said here was not incorrect, "what I care about is the reality of goodness not the perception of it and what I see all over the place is people who care about looking good while doing evil. F*ck them."
  7. I give it 2.5 out of 5 stars. It was interesting in spots. The battles were fun. But it all just sort of ran together. There was no climax.
  8. The Texans have been trying to get that baby blue back. The league won't let them right now.
  9. Bump. While I appreciate RDCanecutter's reply, I am also interested in feedback on specific apps/websites. I have recently gone to work in a role where Spanish would be invaluable. I took Spanish from K-11 and then 4 semesters at UT. I was conversational at any restaurant or jobsite in my early 20s. Much of that has faded. I can still understand some things when my employees speak Spanish, but I am not up to speed and I struggle to formulate my own sentences. I want to jump into something that will help me more with speaking/hearing than reading/writing. Any app suggestions?
  10. We may have been in class together in 1997 and 1998. Fall of 1997 I took ME210 and M408C. Spring of 1998 I took M408D, PHY303K, PHY103M.
  11. God bless, Elon. He's exposing what many knew to be true. Sure, ideologues will spin it or act like it's nothing, but that's par for the course.
  12. Because believing in free speech means allowing folks to say what they wish. But it doesn't mean that they can do so without consequences. If the speech is damaging to the business, it's a fireable offense. Open and shut. Non-disparagement clauses are probably in their employment contracts. Now, if Musk deleted the open letter, sought to cover it up, didn't allow employees to chat via Slack, etc. THEN one could legitimately go after him about free speech. Going after his reaction to speech is a different thing. One can't run around screaming publicly about how the management sucks and expect for the company to be thrilled and just ignore it. No doubt the open letter writers are in their 20s.
  13. This is a retarded opinion. I don't care if one likes Musk or not, but this isn't a free speech issue. The speech was allowed, not suppressed. It doesn't take thin skin to fire those dummies. If my employees did that, I'd fire them too. It doesn't even come close to making Musk a hypocrite.
  14. It's obviously not a free speech issue. Musk didn't suppress the speech. He just laid down the consequences for publicly trashing one's boss, as he should. Those idiots messed around and found out.
  15. Did you attend Spring Woods HS? I live in that district and several of my neighbors knew the Collins family (Raymonds, Rogers) growing up.
  16. That's not what Beth Moore started off with, my man. She's her own piece of work and will jump in this every time it's in the news, but she wasn't leading the charge on it.
  17. People in power often work to keep that power and lose site of the mission. Shame to see it happen like this in the SBC. Root it out, fellas.
  18. Twitter's moderation is definitely whack. The other day I was going back and forth with a buddy and jokingly told him to "go jump in a lake." Twitter suspended me for 24 hours and made me delete the tweet. Meanwhile, in the same back and forth, my buddy told me to "die in a fire" and they didn't bother him. Silly stuff.
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