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  1. Yep, I am bowing out. The other insurance company just called me for a statement. I told them that they have the report and that a statement is not needed. He tried to argue with me saying that they need a recorded statement. I told him that I guess I can read the police report to him. He declined the offer. Time for my insurance company to earn the premium that I pay. I am done.
  2. There was a professor at UT in the School of Architecture back in the ‘80s whose name was Richard Swallow. He went by Dick.
  3. I was in a minor fender-bender on July 13. The other driver was at fault. She was written up for an improper lane change and told the responding officer that she was distracted. I waited until the police report was published and available before I contacted the other driver's insurance company. Upon contacting the insurance company on Friday (19th) the representative proceeded to do the "20 question" game with me. I repeatedly told her that I am not answering all of these questions as I have an offical police report that answers all of your questions plus it has a statement that it is your insured driver's fault. The repesentative finally relented and gave me a claim number. I told her that I will be traveling to India this week and that I will not be able to handle any calls unless they call at an appropriate hour. She said that she would put that note in my case. Immediately I began to get texts and emails to complete the necessary online questionnaires in order for my case to be resolved. I have been getting them about every 2 hours. I received one this morning stating that this is my last chance to answers questions. I finally found an email to send the police report to and a sternly worded email telling them that they will need to figure it out since they do now have a police report and that they are not going to be able to question me into a different situation than what the report states. Just give me my money so that I can get my truck fixed. Such a pain.
  4. Looks absolutely amazing. Would like to know more about the experience.
  5. This hits close to home. I have been to Pilansburg multiple times. Absolutely love the place. The below picture shows an elephant that approached our safari vehicle. That is my shoulder in the picture. It had been raining so I had a rain poncho on. I had spotted the elephant so the safari guide stopped the vehicle. We stopped for 10 or 15 minutes to talk about elephants. The whole time the elephant stayed right behind me.
  6. Toilets that have the flush mechanism in the top center of the tank. How am I supposed to twist around and give a courtesy flush without putting a lot of torque on the toilet seat ring and risk popping the hinges? I am getting old and I am not as flexible as I used to be. Ugh.
  7. 1996. Vegas. A group of us were there for MinExpo. We were all in our late 20s to early 30s. We were responsible for getting a loader assembled for the Expo and were out there for about a month. One of the guys, a real-life prototypical aggy, had a birhtday while we were out there. He weighed about 150 pounds soaking wet and was totally out of his element being around the equipment since he was fresh out of business school. This was also a time when not everyone had a cell phone. A buddy and I decide to take him to a club to celebrate his birthday. The guy gets liquored up and starts to talk trash to everyone around him about their life choices and job opportunities since they did not attend that fine institution in College Station. My other buddy (UT-Arlington grad) starts to get nervous that someone will take exception to the aggy's comments and some trouble might ensue. So we usher the guy out and drive him back to the hotel and safely get him to his room. The next morning we all go to breakfast less the aggy. No worries as we suspect that he is sleeping it off. After breakfast another co-worker goes back to his room and there is a message on his hotel room phone. This guy calls us all to come to his room to listen to the message. The aggy had left a message on the phone while we were at breakfast. After we had dropped him off at his room the previous night he got the keys to the other rental car and went back out on his own only to get into a single vehicle fender bender where he had hopped a curb and blew out a tire. He got arrested for DWI and was in the Clark County Jail. I only wish that we could have saved the hotel room message. He was all whiney and crying and pleading for our help to bail him out of jail as he did not want to call anyone else. We pooled our funds together for him to post bail. Needless to say that he was on a short leash after that and eventually left the company.
  8. Nope. Not trivial at all! This belongs in the Snek! thread.
  9. Period photos and newspaper from my collection: Normandy beaches post bombings P47 flying over France in 1944. This image is also found online. My copy is period stamped by the USAAF on the reverse with restrictions on distribution. Beachheads Won original newspaper dated June 6, 1944 (stateside)
  10. This right here. Enjoying the tidbits and reminders. I am all for this.
  11. I believe that I have posted these here somewhere in the past. These are uniforms of soldiers that particpated in D-Day. They survived training. They survived storming the beach. They survived the day. They would survive many more days of combat and uncertainty until the surrender comes in May 1945. Many would not rotate home until late 1945 or early 1946. Many being overseas for two years or more. They were all survivors and badasses. One became a POW (newspaper clip below). All uniforms are ID'd. Co. B, 12th IR, 4th ID. WIA July 1944 357th IR, 90th ID. Became a POW later in the war but escaped. I will have to find the rest of the clipping. 505th PIR, 82nd Airborne. Was air dropped in. 1st ID 101st Airborne. Air dropped in. 56th Signal Battalion, 5th Corps 29th ID
  12. OK, I am going to try to stay away from this thread while at work on the 6th. Too damn dusty for me.
  13. As most know the invasion was originally planned for an earlier date but poor weather delayed the invasion. The below original photos are from my collection. They were taken on May 25 on board of the USS Ancon which was the flagship for the US invasion on Omaha Beach on D-Day. Top brass for the US and the British were on board for an inspection pre-invasion. Some of the dignitaries included Admiral Hall , Admiral Ramsey, Field Marshall Montgomery and King Henry VI. In addition to these photos I have many more from the crew of the USS Ancon. Admiral Ramsey and Admiral Hall
  14. For reference: The maroon Jeep is parked. The blue SUV is backing out.
  15. You can take the Grand Canyon Railroad from Williams to the Grand Canyon. Once there you can take the shuttle to the major overlooks. You will be on site for two to three hours before the train takes you back to Williams. The train and shuttle can be booked together. My GF and I did this a couple of years ago and will be doing it again late October.
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