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Patricio Swayze

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Patricio Swayze last won the day on May 7 2023

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  1. Damn. I didn’t know. Well, I hope you have a full recovery.
  2. Every time I freak out that rolls are lost in the mail they show up the next day. So hopefully they arrive today or Monday. Did I miss something (very likely), what happened to your hands and legs??
  3. Thanks. I appreciate it. Here are a few more from the trip. Oh, and my 2 rolls of 120 haven't arrived at the lab yet. Starting to get worried.
  4. After our secondary lets Washington easily score on this drive I am heading to bed.
  5. This. I don’t understand the pass on that drive. Sark, unfuck yourself.
  6. This thread could have easily been titled “Texas Laws”.
  7. We didn’t. I didn’t have a lot of time to plan the trip, so I am sure it was already booked up a month in advance. I think the three or four times I have passed it, it was always full. This was my first time at night. Definitely cool. I would like to stay there once as well.
  8. Most definitely wasn’t.
  9. Made a road trip with my pops and younger brother to Great Sand Dunes NP. Tried to stop and get shots of my usual stuff along the way. Shot a couple of rolls of 120, but won't have the scans for a week or so. Here are some of my favorites that I have edited so far. Happy New Year y'all.
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