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Certifiably Surly
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About smuggs

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  1. AggroCop has two DWI's on his record. 2015 & 2016: https://www.ksdk.com/article/news/local/illinois/illinois-deputy-charged-murder-dui-charges-macoupin-county/63-b1167b53-ef81-4af1-8383-e341359d41b4
  2. Sorry, Cheatle, for the inquisition. I think you don't got it (got it), don't got the strength to carry on, oh yeah. You need to fax over a quick resignation. Now I replace thee, ooh, who will it be?
  3. You're personally having to contact the other driver's insurance company? For any accident that I have ever been in, my provider always handles that.
  4. smuggs

    RIP Chuy's

    I don't know which would have gotten my ass kicked faster - that or singing my fajita order in my best Mustaine-hyena voice.
  5. smuggs

    RIP Chuy's

    I once sat at a booth next to James Hetfield @ Barton Springs. Big dude, didn't get a look at his meal. SAD BUT TRUE!
  6. "Hey Honey - I'm headed to GameStop to pick up that limited edition Torbin action figure for little Billy's birthday gift. You know, Torbin... the Jedi that committed suicide."
  7. "Sure, I may not look like a Sith. But it helps me sneak up on them."
  8. Disney should hire someone else to retroactively shoot a post credit scene where after Vernestra strolls into Yoda’s office, he immediately senses her hidden evil. And then he force-explodes her medulla oblongata like fucking Scanners.
  9. Had a feeling that final cameo was coming but was really hoping it wouldn’t. Goodness gracious I can’t imagine a season 2 of this baloney.
  10. +1. I appreciate listening to their transition from drunk teens, to experimental young adults, and on to grown men with kids. Their documentary on Apple+ is fantastic. RIP MCA.
  11. I'm back to the world of the living after a two week stint. My 3rd time to have it and this was far and away the worst. Week 1 was an absolute shitshow - fever, body aches, massive headache that Advil couldn't even begin to touch. Week 2 was chest congestion, lethargy, residual achiness and just weakness from being couch-bound the previous 7 days... boy that fucking sucked. 48 years old, boosted, healthy, eat right and daily exercise. PM for pics.
  12. And while also looking like Rocky Dennis.
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