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  1. 1 minute remaining..., EMPTY NET !!! Seguin
  2. Good win last night. Needed that after the damn rangers flopped .
  3. Damnit. lost the Shootout. jrobs went off top of iron.. ugh
  4. Lots of good shots but no score. time for shoot out again...
  5. damnit... from the damn blue line tie game 2:50 left
  6. Benn about knocked a guy out. Marchment got some GOOD hits in also.. went to the penalty box checking his knuckles. Have played damn good on 5-4 and one 5-3 power plays to not give anything up. 4:33 left. And caststreams for the damn win!
  7. You are the man. thanks cancelling espn+ and will pay the $30 for caststeams.
  8. I ended up signing up for ESPN+ . Hate doing it because lord knows I have enough streams already.. but so be it. Thanks,.
  9. Good win. Would prefer it be in regular time but good to get that OT winning trend going
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