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TrashMaster G

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TrashMaster G last won the day on November 20 2023

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  1. Isn't the Men's 4x100 usually one of the very last events in the pool?
  2. I wish this fuckhead would die already. I have a 27 year-old son. The last time the Cowboys won a playoff game beyond the Wildcard round was more than a year before he was born.
  3. From what I can gather, the people that we are "pissing off" in the SEC are the aggies. And it's merely our presence that pisses them off. I mean, in all seriousness Looch, you fantastic imbecile, what have we done?
  4. Some people should just be shot on sight. https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/26/europe/france-rail-network-disruption-paris-olympics-intl-hnk/index.html
  5. That is some high-quality commentary. Dude has a future as a PBP guy.
  6. And you've been together how long? vs how long was she with the bf? Holy crap.
  7. True. Irrelevant to this thread, but true.
  8. The spirit may not die, but the teams do. In the playoffs.
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