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  1. Thanks guys. It's for a friend (no, really) and I believe they have private insurance through their parents' policy.
  2. Can anyone in Austin recommend a low cost rehab facility and not a complete shithole for an adult that has a drug problem? Or have any opinions for facilities that are reasonable with health insurance? Currently looking at Austin Recovery and wondering if it's any good.
  3. Great news jd. However, nana nana booboo- we beat you guys to heroic sith raid doodoo.
  4. Oh damn did you guys just start completely over?
  5. Good. Booting and recruiting is one of the easiest ways to climb as a guild and it sucks when other officers hold you back from that (<.< >.>). Wish you the best jd but you'll shoot to the top of our wait list if you're ever looking to slum it with us.
  6. Dash, shut up and get on discord please. We need you to make a new officer. JD, that is some serious guild drama. So OG leader is no longer part of your guild and you guys are in a better place now? I hate it when I see/hear of guilds disbanding over new shit that EA introduces. They really don't think what it does to guilds and players' quality of living.
  7. Well...we just had a member leave so now we have 2 spots open....
  8. JD we have a free space in the guild now but we're not performing to the level you're probably used to. Why are the 10 leaving?
  9. Damn jd that's rough. Sounds like you guys are pretty close to heroic though. Recruiting sucks balls when you start losing top guys.
  10. Just pulled off the win in the last 4 minutes. Holy crap and they used jdguild type tactics.
  11. I have a feeling that your crap zones look very similar to some of our lower gp members' best rosters.
  12. Well we just had our most exciting TW victory to date. How did jd guild do?
  13. Honestly I think that matchups should be based entirely on active gp in TW. If one guild has better use of their GP than the other, that guild should profit.
  14. What the fuck? How is matchmaking that bad? I'd be impressed if they broke through a single zone of yours.
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