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Thermos H. Christ

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Posts posted by Thermos H. Christ

  1. 6 minutes ago, Zavala said:

    But the Longhorn on the helmet was never metallic reflective. 

    Flat is where it's at for burnt orange.

    It's not metallic reflective now. It was for a couple years in the Strong era. Now it's just the color of the jersey, which it should be. The chocolate brown helmet logos with the burnt orange jerseys always looked terrible to me. It wasn't any shade of orange, burnt or otherwise.


  2. 1 hour ago, kopp0e said:

    Using different materials over the course of years, can cause a slight inconsistency in having the same "shade", even if the same registered color... (just an opinion)



    Dude, that's the lighting/photo more than anything. Look at the skin tones. Look at how dark the shadows are. Everything is darker about the top one.

    • Like 1
  3. I didn't say Petal is better than Tom Petty. And all credit goes to him for the strength of the lyrics/basic melody of course. I just think I like this quiet, earnest version more than the brash synth-rock one. I'm sure Tom Petty could have done a really effective stripped down version too.

    And in these situations I always respect the choice to not go acoustic.

  4. I don’t remember how Dicko was the whole first year, just him being awful in his first game and then that one time when he managed scoop up the ball, run for his life, and somehow get the kick away after a horribly botched snap. He most definitely was not the guy we saw last year. Hopefully the sequel can deliver pretty well even if it doesn’t live up to the original.

  5. 3 minutes ago, LurkingHorn said:

    The thing I just do not get is how TH cannot put an adequate offense together with the personnel we've got. This guy has implemented a successful offense at OSU with a 3rd string QB against Bama. He took a WR at UH and made him serviceable at QB. All this other shit aside, I just want to see an offense that exploits defensive weaknesses. He's done this everywhere else but has forgotten how at Texas?

    It is pretty baffling. Like, Tom Herman knows so much more about football offense than I ever will. I have no doubt in this. He’s put together championship-caliber offenses. There’s no way he doesn’t know our offense sucks total balls. And yet I see nothing to indicate he’s getting any closer to changing that fact.

    • Like 4
  6. I think I’m in the minority (overall, even if not here) but I didn’t like the Navy helmets with airbrushed ships and I don’t like the AF helmets with airbrushed planes. 

  7. 2 hours ago, 4th&Five said:


    So... do the sanctions have a point? Like the whole point of the sanctions before was to bring them to the table. We did that, and we struck a deal with them. Now we back out of the deal and impose more sanctions. Does he see the point of sanctions as just having sanctions in place for their own sake?  Are we holding out until Iran can somehow deliver WORLD PEACE?

  8. 1 hour ago, elfenix said:

    wait wait wait wait wait

    4chan, the place where any thread might contain trap porn, is where batshit MAGAers are going for political info?  that 4chan?

    The very same. In plenty of cases these people are not visiting/browsing it directly so much as seeing content originating there or being linked to specific posts, but there's no dispute that all this Q nonsense started there. Definitely the sort of place where you'd expect to find a legit high-level intelligence leak that is definitely not a made-up troll.

    Also let's just take a second here and assume purely for the sake of argument that Q has proven they have insider info coming from high up in the Trump admin. All that would prove is that they are in or working with someone in the Trump admin. A rational person would probably think that this makes Q LESS credible when they make totally unsubstantiated claims about the political opponents of the Trump admin being a bunch of satanist cannibal pedophiles. Like, gee, I wonder if they might have an agenda here.

    Of course, if this whole thing doesn't go down in flames soon, Trump will absolutely find ways to wink at them and egg them on, probably wile maintaining some degree of plausible deniability. He's not good at much, but playing to his crowd is something he does know. And he likes to give shoutouts to people who say nice things about him almost as much as he likes to complain about people who say mean things. There's just no way he's going to do one rally after another packed with Q people and not find a way to pander to them.

    • Like 1
  9. You could make an argument that Trump is a prank that 4chan played on America. I wouldn't go that far, but I'll absolutely say they saw Trump as a troll like them and they were exuberant at the possibility of a president who spends his time trolling everyone. They made multiple coordinated efforts to boost him, including being the biggest initial driving force behind the whole pizzagate thing.

    And at this point, 4chan trolls know perfectly well that they're performing for an audience of journalists and boomers who don't understand the weirder corners of the internet. 

  10. This will never be topped. The way everyone is just standing around gesturing at each other is amazing. My favorite might be Kennedy and GW looking confused and pointing fingers at Madison, as if to ask if everyone sees this guy trying to catch Obama's poop.


    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, HenryJames said:


    This dude is funnier on accident than most political cartoonists will ever be on purpose

    e: John Bolton is straight up hunting wabbits

  12. More than a lot of other colors, orange is very susceptible to lighting. The same exact orange jersey is going to look very different depending on whether the player is standing in the shade or in the sun or under fluorescent lights or under the big lights at a night game. Not to mention the different factors involved in the photo being taken. Do a google image search for any day game last year, and look at the different photos that show up. 

    For example:





    Same game, same day, same jersey, same field. 

    • Like 2
  13. 13 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    no clue but i can promise you that MajorHarsin has watched his new bride get a train run on her on multiple occasions.

    I refuse to believe that anyone married that dude. I don’t even think I believe that someone in an active, committed romantic/sexual relationship with a woman could maintain those hardcore intel/redpill ideas. One or the other has to give pretty fast.

    Garden variety casual misogyny, sure. But not like that.

  14. On 6/22/2018 at 12:30 AM, FondrenRoad said:

    Well, the options are thin. Those are the only 2 pseudo compassionate people in the entire admin and they're both completely vapid.  Ivanka handles herself better in those situations though. Other than that theres one decent military man and a bunch of complete assholes, both men and women. 

    Going back to what I said earlier

  15. On 7/10/2018 at 10:10 AM, trza-hawk said:

    NIN is classic angry male music, just set to a dance beat with vintage nineties production values. Not exactly candy for the teenage girls who spend so much time, money, energy following their favorite musicians.

    Are you now or have you ever been familiar with girls who wear fishnets

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