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Posts posted by RowdyVic

  1. The 3 biggest things are:

    Keep your eyes scanning at all times.

    Always anticipate something. Especially on turns and intersections.

    Always put distance between yourself and everyone else.

    Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

  2. Campbell has the clones playing pretty good ball-at times. I think he is pretty close to getting the program situated and stabilized. The conference could use some of the northern teams getting better.

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  3. Originally 10 acres with house. This 10 acres is within a subdivision but is classified as a lot instead of block.

    1st split=House and 3 acres. This was for the old mans' son.

    Now there is 7 acres with the dads house and 3 acres with the sons' house. 2 plots.

    The son moved back up north and the father went with him.

    They decided to split out the 3rd plot with the barn on it. My guess is to maximize profit.

    My understanding is that if the property is 10 acres or more that has 3 or more plots, then a subdivision plat is required for development permitting. So the plat wasnt required at the time of the splits. But now that there is 3 plots, if any development is done to any of them, then the plat would be required. The only development that has been done is on the 3rd plot. The current owner did alot of the work himself. He told me had no problem getting a permit for the septic...which pisses me off. I guess I am just dealing with an asshole at the county office.

    My only concern is being told I will have to get all 3 properties resurveyed for this plat. I dont know if that will happen but I can see it.

    Maybe I will get lucky and no resurveying is needed. But if it is, I am hoping that during the submission process they will just use the 10 acre boundry line and require that only my property get resurveyed. If any more development is done on the other properties then those owners will have to go through the process as well.

    I was very confused about all of this as well. Still am actually. Just hoping to get more insight before starting the submission process.

    Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

  4. Check with Chip Brown. The OU Athletic Department gifted him 100 extra ones for him to sell. 
    ^^Gotta pay off that gambling debt somehow.

    I wouldnt piss on the cocksucker if he was on fire.

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  5. That is my delimma..

    I am assuming all 3 plot surveys are needed for the subdivision plat. Can a surveyor just compile all 3 surveys for the plat?

    Or will the 10 acre boundry be used for the outline and my plot be the first registered plot within the boundry..therefore only my survey is needed?

    Or will I have to pay for all 3 properties to be surveyed again?

    Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

  6. A plat is not just a map that a surveyor draws for you, it is a document that must be voted on and approved in commissioners court. You will need to talk with someone in the country development services office (or county engineer, not familiar with Travis county’s structure). You may be able to find a loophole and get platted or they may tell you that the old man made an illegal subdivision

    My question is why you need permission from the county to install solar panels if you are in an unincorporated area?

    The county said you can have metes and bounds surveys all you want. But if any development is done on the property and it falls under the subdivision rules then a subdivision plat is required. With the family exception in place I can see how there isnt a plat. At the time. The 3rd plot had a barn on it. The interior was done by the current owner. What i cant understand is how any plumbing, electrical, septic was done on the 3rd plot without the plat.

    Solar panels are tapping into the electrical grid. Thats why I need the permit. But it all depends on if the installer is playing by the rules. I am in the sticks and no one would know but it is their license.

    I am planning on talking to a surveying company about this but I figured I would pick ya'lls brains first.

    Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

  7. The offenses were awful, but the defenses were bad ass. 
    I was at the 91 game, my first TX-OU weekend. Drinking Wild Turkey and Coke all game. My friend and I questioned if our offense had appeared on a milk carton somewhere because they were absent in Dallas that day. But Bubba Jacques’ scoop and score gave us all something to cheer about. 
    We didn’t win those games because of Pete, but we won them with him at the helm. Good enough for me. 
    Defense is how we won those games. Gardere even says it.

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  8. Interesting.  I always assumed that the Cotton Bowl was that large due to the Cotton Bowl game and Red River.
    I wonder if either would have been able to maintain a viable fanbase if they had remained in a power conference.

    I think the death penalty and all of the ncaa probations is the cause for alot of SMU headaches. Rice and SMU had a hard time competing with the bigger schools in the SWC.

    My guess for low enrollment is both are private schools and SMU is expensive.

    So combine that with the ncaa violations, SMU was kicked to curb when the SWC/Big8 became the B12.

    Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

  9. The Sports networks that show events, coverage from Apps is the future maybe? I'm a die hard boxing fan as well and have noticed that the PPV avenue is dying.  Now more promoters are creating subscription based apps to show their fights and inventory of fights.  Hell they just showed a Championship WW match a couple weeks ago.
    Let's say the LHN is dropped by ESPN in the future or they do a buy out agreement.  Would Texas just use that as their 3rd tier sports network?  Charge $5 a month for this app to it's fanbase (us)?

    We would probably have to buy the entire network or buy the LHN rights in order to continue it. Either way we will find a way to get/keep some kind of network.

    Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

  10. There are a few things not making sense, here...
    Do you have an actual survey or just a metes and bounds description?
    If Travis County doesn't allow development without a plat on subdivisions of 10 acres or more that is divided into 3 or more parcels, except for the purposes of conveying to family members, then how did they subdivide and develop the 10 acres in the first place if they weren't granted the exception? If what you said is true, being that at least one of the three tracts had been divided out for the benefit of the son, then that merits the exception and puts the other two tracts outside of the restriction as, 1.) the parent tract would no longer be 10 acres, and 2.) there would be less than three plots subdivided out. It sounds to me like the exception for not having a plat has already been met, but there are a lot of factors involving the chain of title that involve timing that could play a factor.

    Its a survey. The first plot was has the old mans house on it. The 2nd(mine) was the sons. And the 3rd had a barn on it at the time of the survey. The barn was converted to the 3rd house. The 3rd doesnt really makes sense. The current owner of it told me he had no problem getting a permit when he installed the septic. Fucking Travis Co.

    All 3 of us have surveys. So would a surveyor be willing to compile the 3 surveys for the plat or will i be on the hook to get all 3 plots re-surveyed?

    I am thoroughly pissed. How was I supposed to know this shit? If i had known i wouldnt have gotten the solar panels. They are financed and i am paying for panels that i dont have yet.

    Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

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