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Irish Wrist Watch

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  1. Wasn't it right after this that Vince told Mack and Greg to shove it up their asses - that he was gonna run the ball whenever he felt like it? The rest was history.
  2. Abyss was referring to the QB position, of course. Bradley immediately went to D and immediately starred. Played it for the Eagles for a few years as I recall. Great athlete. Wasn't he also a punter? Little James Street was a running QB and he was a sight to behold. Wasn't he the QB who threw that bomb on 4th and 3 to Randy "Big Play" Peschel, with two Razorbacks draped all over his back? The jaw of every Horn fan in the nation hit the floor. Late in the Game in "Shootout #1". (Horns were ranked #1. Ark #2. Last game of year. ) Texas won 15-14. Nixon announced we'd won the Nat'l Champ that day, I think. Pissed off a lot of opponents. Then we went on to Beat Notre Dame on New Years Day.
  3. I think the "still injured/trying to compensate" is a partial explanation for Saturday. Add in poor pocket awareness againist good teams, the inability to hit the long pass, and a coach who thought Quinn was healthy, and you've got all the ingredients for the debacle. I think Quinn's health is all the excuse Sark needs to bench him, but he probably won't. And maybe Quinn deserves another chance, but a Quinn who's only 25% better than last Saturday won't beat Vandy and if Sark waits three quarters to figure that out, he'll simply be handcuffing Manning in the fourth quarter. And he could be throwing away the entire fucking season if we lose that game. Who wants to risk a three loss season with the talent we have? If Sark wants to leave in a compromised QB HOPING he'll be ready for A&M, he's nuts. By the time we get to Aggy, we need a QB who's kicking fucking ass. Struggling thru a couple of close wins and then hoping that will be enough for Aggy ain't gonna cut it. Unless Quinn immediately begins knocking it out of the park against Vandy, he needs to be healing on the bench - and Arch needs to be honing his skills to take on the Aggies.
  4. If people want to throw $10 bottles of water onto the field, it must be pretty aggregious, and I say "go for it". Every ref or almost every ref on that field, I think, can stop play and say, "hold on, shit head, you just made a terrible call. Let's look at it." none of them did. So if one of those bottles had knocked a ref unconscious, I say "It's about time." We've got to get better in our aim though. Is there a stadium where we can practice? If you want to change something, make those fucking refs responsible for bad calls. Hold their balls to the fire
  5. Good point. What I remember, and I only saw the end, was on first and second down, they went for crap run plays that left third and long. That makes sense if you're going to make them burn their third time out, then you take the FG. Hou prob wins, but... GB coulda kicked that FG anyway. I would have gone for a safe pass on first or second down, something with a chance for just one more first down, or a gain or 7 or 8. Get the First down and the game is over. Don't play for a FG with two min left.
  6. Maybe people bought into the "Quinn is an experienced decision maker" story. Maybe, OTOH, he's just been pretty good at spotting the open receiver and quickly getting rid of the ball with some real zip and accuracy. But last night, the zip wasn't there, neither was the accuracy. Maybe he's not that great at making decisions. Maybe he doesn't have Arch's instincts. When the pressure comes, he panics or melts. He used to take off and like I said, throw with zip. Big Game Quinn looks mostly like a myth at this point. Arch needs to start. By Aggy, he'll be making big plays, something we were sorely missing last night with Experienced Quinn.
  7. Those were Early Surlies: Comment: Give Vince a chance, he might be a good QB with some seasoning Response: Fuck you. Go sit on some doodoo! Response: Hit your peepee with a flyswatter, asshole! Response: Your mommy probably has a big pussy!
  8. Manning could have scrambled up the middle on that play for a min of 20 yards. Who knows, he might have taken it 90 yds for the greatest QB scramble of all Time (although Vince had a couple that would be up there, esp against USC)
  9. You're right. Hell yes we were in that game. With 3 or 4 min left we were at their thirty only down two TDs, but Quinn/Sark failed once again. Add another minute and a half to that time had Sark known what every fucking coach in the NFL knows - that with ten minutes left at your own 45, you don't go for it on 4th and 10 or 15. You punt it and push GA deep into their own end of the field. Even with a crap punter you push them back to their own 20. Clock mismanagement? You'd better believe it.
  10. We have another Vince Young. His name is Arch Manning. Did you miss his 65 yd TD run early in the season. Nobody could catch him. He's smart. We have to keep him healthy. But to win big, you need a QB who can move. Arch can. Vince was fast, Arch is fast. Alot of VY runs ended with him running out of bounds. That's what Arch needs to do and can do. Arch is a better passer than Vince. Once the coaches committed to Vince, the heavens opened. That needs to happen this season for Arch. No reason whatsoever for it not to begin next weekend. Arch needs the reps for what's coming against Aggy and the playoffs. Playing Ewers is inviting disaster because what we saw last night will happen again when the chips are down.
  11. Right, GA lost to Alabama goddammit. Alabama got beat again today. With strong QB play, we beat Georgia easily tonight. Our first two pics got us zero points. We were still in the game with two minutes left - even then Ewers fell flat on his face. He does not need to start another game for Texas. I think Sark knows that. For the team, he needs to make the call.
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