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Queen Bitch

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Posts posted by Queen Bitch

  1. 2 hours ago, gsoda3 said:

    i wish ... 



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    .. they did a better job with the initial cooper/gaga moment on stage.  somehow she knew how to sing that song, even the parts they hadn't sung in the parking lot the night before. 


    It worked for me -- I heard it before seeing the movie and was surprised at how clunky it was as a composition. It made much better sense for me in the context of the movie...

  2. 1 hour ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

    It's things like this that give me hope. There's three completely off the radar votes:

    Unless the machine “accidentally” changed their votes. 

  3. Okay serious question, this isn't slanted despite how it'll sound...

    Why is the caravan such a scary, bad thing? It'll show up to the border, and border security will... do their job? Allow them to apply for asylum but it's not like the caravan is going to just blast through the gates, weapons raised...

    What am I missing?

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