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Queen Bitch

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Posts posted by Queen Bitch

  1. 2 hours ago, formermav43 said:

    Yeah, this lawsuit is completely bogus.

    I was texted by them months ago. They had a wrong name associated with my number and I told them so. They then followed by asking me if I was a registered Texas voter etc. I told them their man seemed like a decent guy but I don’t vote and was not going to vote (I know that won’t go over on this thread, but that’s not the point), so they shouldn’t bother contacting me anymore. And they haven’t since. It was a completely pleasant interaction.

    If he would have just interacted with them like a normal human, could have been handled in 5 minutes.

    That's your right, but out of curiosity... what are you doing on this thread?

  2. 2 hours ago, oSuJeff97 said:

    All of the smack talk is weird.

    We all know we aren't any good this year, right?

    I plan on drinking heavily and hoping for the best, but I'm not expecting anything other than us getting our ass kicked.

    My Cowboy friends have gotten rather mouthy over the past few years -- mocking Texas football in front of me, openly reveling in our down years -- shit I never did in front of them in the aughts.

    So yeah, fuck Okie Lite and bring me their tears.

  3. lol like Trump would ever give a cent to charity. Reporters need to have the tape cued up when they ask Aunt Lydia about this.

    Seriously, is there record of he or his foundation ever donating a sizable amount to anything meaningful?

  4. 2 hours ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

    My Beto shirt is a chic magnet.  I’ve yet to wear it without at least 2 women coming up to me with comments like “nice choice” and “smart man”


    Just read this and immediately bought one. Yes, I'm thirsty.

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