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Posts posted by CHEF DIESEL

  1. Blewett will have no idea what he is doing. The demands needed in his district are great. I wonder how a neo-con like him will handle LGBTQ issues since Oak Lawn is in his district?

    Johnson's plan to build the tax base won't work either. The City of Dallas can no longer afford to offer TIF funding to their developer friends. The taxpayer never sees a return on the private investment made.

    In my neighborhood, I expect to see zoning overlays removed which currently keeps large 2 story McMansions from being built. I expect Blewett to champion that effort and turn Lakewood and the M-Streets into Frisco.

  2. Dallas is headed towards a major slide for the bad. Detroit of the South.

    I imagine the Trinity Tollroad plans are already being dusted off. The Dallas Citizens Council will start ramrodding plans through very soon.

    Blewitt is a surprise. He tried to rejoin the SMU Football program at the ripe age of 45 and is a self centered butthole. Wish he would go back to Utah with his 7 kids and be with his own kind.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, hayden_horn said:

    better to read the longest day before ambrose's book?

    I would read Cornelius Ryan's book first. Ambrose seemed to have cut and pasted a lot of interview material out of Ryan's book. Both are great reads and compliment one another. The Ryan book is more complete.

    From there, a number of unit action historical books are available as well.

  4. 26 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    It's becoming a real issue in the mayor's race, because Eric Johnson has had some unfortunate comments about public safety being hunky-doory and not needing more cops.

    Johnson just parrots whatever his handlers from the Park Cities tell him. They don't see crime from where they sit.

    Vehicle burglaries through May 2019 have already surpassed the whole calendar year of 2018. 2019 is on track to have so many car burglaries that it will likely surpass 2018 and 2017 combined. Not enough police to go around and the criminals know it. The Dallas County DA is basically letting everyone out of jail not currently locked up for major crimes. It is putting low level street criminals back out to roam this summer.

  5. By my count this makes the third or fourth transgender murder in and around the White Rock Lake area in the last year. Is it time to start asking the questions about a serial killer that might be doing this?

    Latest body turned up Saturday June 1st in White Rock Lake


    Dallas homicide detectives are investigating the death of a transgender woman found Saturday in White Rock Lake, sources tell WFAA. 

    Investigators are now focusing on possible connections following several crimes against the transgender community over the last several months. 

    RELATED: Dallas police investigate possible link to 2 slayings, stabbing of transgender women

    Few details are known about how the woman was discovered in the lake, but this homicide investigation begins less than a week after the funeral for Muhlaysia Booker, a transgender woman killed in May. 

    Officers were called to the lake around 5:45 p.m. when a passerby found the body, which was later pulled from the water by a game warden. 

    RELATED: Body found in White Rock Lake Saturday

    Booker's body was found early May 18 lying face down in the middle of the street in far east Dallas, blocks from Ash and White Rock creeks. 

    Booker was killed a month after a video of a group beating her went viral. Edward Thomas, 29, was arrested on an aggravated assault charge in connection with the beating. 

    Police have said they are investigating whether there's a link between Booker's death, the death of another transgender woman and the attack of another transgender woman. 

    In October 2018, a transgender woman was found shot to death in her car in the 7100 block of Gayglen Drive. A suspect has not been identified in that case, police said. 

    In April 2019, a transgender woman was stabbed in the 2800 block of Troy Street. The woman, who survived, was able to provide police with a description of the suspect. That suspect description has not been publicly released. 


  6. Lance Armstrong has always been a turd. I remember in high school he bounced around a bunch between Richardson and Plano schools because he was a world class asshole. He thought highly of himself even back then. He was given a Camaro or Firebird to drive around in and would constantly show it off in all the wrong ways. Park in faculty lots, park next to the cafeteria during lunch and rev up his engine. It impressed no one. He participated in triathlons back then and no one on the cross-country or swim teams liked him. Jim Hoyt of Richardson Bike Mart(the owner) lavished on him with gifts and crowned him the next Greg Lemond.

    I thought he'd found himself when ball cancer grabbed him and humbled him. Nope. The same Lance just hiding under a good costume. A lot of people believed in him and his campaign to fight cancer. Sad it was all a ruse and the ol' Lance I knew back in high school came back.

    Lance has always thought of his father as a shit heel. He fits the same bill as Lance. Shit heel.

  7. In the mid-90s six packs of Keystone light tallboys were $3.25 including tax, kegs of Natty Light were $35 out the door and gas was about a dollar a gallon. I remember alumni weekends and the old guys from the 70s-80s always talked about how beer was even cheaper and flowed like water.

    I'm sure 20 years from now these current days will be viewed as the salad days too. Ultra low unemployment, strong economy and fairly low cost of living here in Texas compared to elsewhere. I was just in West Texas and the Panhandle this past weekend and seems like all the small towns out there are doing well in the oil patch. I'm sure that will bust down the road but everyone seems to be on their high horse at the moment.

  8. I've always been fascinated with rounds featuring flechettes. You can buy them and hand load shotgun shells with them. Geneva Convention has banned them.

    When I was in Boy Scouts we took a trip up north to Fort Sill and they had a firepower demonstration. One of the weapons was a M79 grenade launcher loaded with flechettes. Devastating round.

  9. Out on the course right now. Trinity River is starting to flood the lower cart paths and one of the bridges for spectators is underwater. Most of the paths through the trees from the VIP parking lot to the course are underwater. Salesmanship club guys are saying that the river will flood across the main road between the course and driving range soon and that no one should park in any of the VIP lots.

    Really awful conditions out here. Very muddy for gallery areas.

  10. 11 minutes ago, Trey3216 said:

    Did they throw rocks from the overpasses as well?? 

    No. The tow company ducked the charges when the DA's paperwork for the case went missing. Charges dropped. Chris Nasrallah runs the tow yards and primarily targets(still to this day) illegal aliens who could not prove ownership of the vehicles towed. As a result he often kept the cars and dismantled them for sale. He also launders money by purchasing large amounts of diamonds with cash out of a Highland Park Village jewelry store and then takes them to Kuwait, Jordan and eventually Syria and Iran. His son Chris Nasrallah Jr is currently facing charges of beating his wife. He is out on bail and the court has a hard time finding him as he is often in Syria, Jordan and Iran per the courts notes.

  11. In Dallas County our constables were in a protection racket towing cars and then getting kickbacks from the tow yard owners. Many were convicted of felonies as a result. To safeguard the Dallas citizens from future constables, the entire office was striken of many powers and now cannot even use red/blue lights on their vehicles. Many of their law enforcement powers are gone as well.

    • Like 4
  12. These rain cycles are absolutely perfect for farmers here in Texas. Not too wet with some good runoff events and some drying for a day or two. Hay production is looking excellent right now with the crop continuing to produce on a large scale through the 4th of July. Cotton and corn are looking excellent too. Prime growing conditions right now.

  13. On 4/19/2019 at 10:09 PM, Judge Roybeanbag said:

    Every time I see that username I read it as CHEF DIESEL, which may or may not be a great name for a chef.  



    Raekwon Chef Diesel from the Clan of Wu Tang. One of my favorite photos turned pencil sketch preparing a tasty meal of bluegill of all things.

  14. 18 hours ago, DDD Dad said:

    Still stand by this?

    Also, I just took a peek at the MLS for Mrs. McBee's place in HP.  Shockingly it's still on the market.  

    Yes. Still stand by the Timberlawn issue. I early voted today as well,  for Scott Griggs. Really hope he wins. His tenure as Mayor would be wonderful for Dallas and Dallas residents.

  15. Dallas proper is overdue for some severe weather. Not talking the suburbs up near Oklahoma but the urban core. Last time we saw big hail was June 2012.

    I saw the Jarrell tornado in person from I-35 in 1997 and don't wish that on anyone. That was the hand of God unleashing hell.

  16. 4 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    So, Aunt Becky is doubling down and has pleaded "not guilty".  Did her attorney actually pass the bar?

    Come on Lori

    93-95% conviction rate for federal prosecutors for the last several years 2012-2017. Should have taken a deal.

    I was ambivalent about them at first, but this level of arrogance, contempt and entitlement really needs to be punished with prison time.

    Here's some free advice to these two painfully stupid mooks: Fire your lawyers and plead guilty.

  17. Looks like Sarah Lamb who is running for City Council is married to the infamous Stolen Valor fraud Mike Lamb who claimed to be a Recon Marine among other things for 15 years before being outed.

  18. One of the key features of the upper class back in the day is they actually BELIEVED in their role in society. They may have been ruthless and greedy, but they also gave back to society in the form of libraries, museums, and donations to causes. They felt a pride in their status and passed it along to their kids. They didn't always succeed in raising a new generation that was worth a shit, but at least they didn't just spend all their cash on indulging themselves and were smart enough to be modest and discreet.  Which is not what we have going on here.

    However, alas, the adults of this generation have no such pride or discretion. They are dumb enough to go humble brag about it after mommy shelled out thousands to get you there. 

    Heh...they call them "new money" for a reason.

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  19. The well connected and old monied oligarchs of Dallas will lose a lot of their influence if Scott Griggs is elected. The DMN has to fight against Griggs as the monied class will fight to keep their power structure in place.

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