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Posts posted by CHEF DIESEL

  1. Oddly, looks like Paul Sims (husband of Angela Hunt) is quitting his campaign for District 9. He was the odds on favorite for that district. That leaves some weak candidates for that position: former personal assistant for the current mayor, former personal assistant for a former county commissioner and a bored housewife. 

  2. I know a guy who worked as a utility lineman for 45 years with Houston Natural Gas. His utility company was bought out by Enron. As a result his pension was wiped out. A whole lifetime of work destroyed. He never played the stock market or was a part of the Enron culture. They came in and wiped him out. Good ol' Kenny Boi.

    His medical coverage was wiped out too. Cancer ended up eating him alive not long ago.

  3. 1 hour ago, mdmost said:

    Isn't the driving force behind why she's running is Gates pissed her off on the skyrise being built around Preston Village Shopping Center?

    Pretty much. The Preston Center issue has been slow boiling since at least 1998. That was back when Foley's folded and left a lot of empty space behind. Hard to imagine it's a NIMBY issue since it is so far away from standard 1 story residential dwellings.

    I'd wonder what Mark Cuban thinks about Preston Center and Gates. Cuban has been quietly buying up all the lots north of Northwest Highway and east of Douglas. Why, I don't know.

    Cuban and his opinion would sway a lot of monied voters in that area.

    I think Vickery Meadow apartment dwellers and the other marginalized folks near Bachman Lake would vote for Miller as well.

  4. On 2/15/2019 at 5:42 PM, mdmost said:

    Laura Miller is going to challenge Jennifer Staubach-Gates for her city council seat. There really should be a law that previous council members or mayors can't run for other seats if they change districts. 

    I think it's hilarious that Laura Miller is running for City Council. It changes the dynamic for many races now including Mayor. Gates has been sleepwalking through her terms on city council. Now she will have to spend a lot of money to beat Miller.

    Also, Laura Miller and Scott Griggs roughly align on some issues. I would expect a Miller voter to cast a ballot for Griggs as well in an election.

  5. 23 minutes ago, DFWTexEx said:

    D and DMN are going after Griggs for some campaign contribution stuff. 

    I think that DMagazine's Tim Rogers is throwing a couple punches at Scott Griggs right now to clear the table for hitting other candidates much harder as the election approaches. DMagazine will be able to point at the Griggs issue and say that they are not playing favorites.

    The Dallas Morning News on the other hand might as well straight out endorse Mike Abalon right now. Just get it over with and endorse the real estate developer that all the Dallas Citizens Council money is behind.


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  6. 8 minutes ago, DDD Dad said:

    Please not Sheffie again.


    Lakewood Elementary zone has become Park Cities East. The school population has gone from diverse (when DDD attended) to almost 100 percent homogeneous, with few if any at risk children. He will have no problem finding someone in a starter home waiting to move to the bubble to suit those interests.


    And no there is no way in hell you could get me to run for city council.

    Sheffie in his last year of office was starting to look very feeble minded. I have not seen him in public for years.

    Since Angela Hunt's husband is rumored to be running for that spot maybe it will scare off some of the snobby Lakewood types. He's formerly from the M-Streets and fits that mold. Glorious douchebaggery now resides in Lakewood. Really impressed at the pure assholery of people south of Mockingbird.

    Lakewood and the M-Streets(Kingston's area) are only luke warm to progressives like Kingston who had to throw some weight behind his last re-election. I don't see anyone serious taking on Kingston this time because his last challenger(Matt Wood) was given a cushy role at Fair Park/State Fair. He'd likely not give that up to for another shot at Kingston.

  7. 16 hours ago, Firemans4Horn said:

    Also, Clayton isn’t running again. 


    When the real reason that Clayton is leaving the city council is made public, remember this thread. It will be either a serious problem with the State Fair of Texas or dealings with the Timberlawn mental health facility. I hear strong rumors. I think some in the media are tipped about it and holding back on it till the mayoral election draws near. You'll notice soon that everyone will distance themselves from Clayton and quietly ask him not to endorse them in other offices.

    I think that former city councilman Gary Griffith is trying to drum up someone out of the Lakewood elementary attendance zone to run for Clayton's seat. Someone who would push for restaurants at White Rock Lake and expansion of the Arboretum on behalf of the monied Park Cities folk.

  8. 2 hours ago, Kyle said:

    The good news is that the Lee pedestal is being removed today, so focused on the important stuff. I suspect $200K could have fixed a few potholes.

    Don't forget the clock is still running on billable hours for the Exxotica lawsuit at the Convention Center.

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  9. On 1/18/2019 at 3:38 PM, Ghost of LL said:

    There's going to be a run-off, and it's going to be Griggs and someone.  I just can't figure out who yet.

    Maybe Abalon vs Griggs. The establishment vs The new Dallas. Oddly, seeing a number of Abalon signs in the Park Cities, where those residents cannot vote for Dallas mayor.

    Johnson and Black will fracture the African American vote and they won't make it to the runoff.

  10. To catch a deadbeat, take a seat:



    To Catch a Predator” host Chris Hansen has been charged with issuing bad checks and failing to pay thousands of dollars to a vendor for marketing materials.

    Hansen, 59, of Shippan, Connecticut, turned himself in to police over the bounced checks on Monday and was charged with "issuing a bad check," Stamford Police told Fox News. He was released without bond and signed a PTA or a promise to appear in court, police said.


  11. 31 minutes ago, mdmost said:

    That's disappointing as he's been pretty good for this area.

    He was the best of the candidates who ran as Kadane's replacement. Clayton was largely voted in as a green candidate and was seen as a foe to restaurant development at White Rock Lake and Arboretum expansion. He caved on a couple key issues like the DUC rowing center which was built against current city code/ordinances. On city wide issues, he has floundered on several key votes in 2018. He could have been the deciding swing vote and as a result things passed that should have been shot down.

    The Abrams road construction delays he should have had his foot kicking ass on the lazy contractor for that project. Daily. I blame Clayton for that mess. I'd give him a solid B- grade as city councilperson. He never really did anything. Nothing is often better than something.

  12. Heard that City Councilman Mark Clayton is not seeking another term in office but is waiting till the last second to make it public. This will allow for Angela Hunt's husband, Paul Sims to enter right at the last second and not face a challenger. Deadline is January 16th.

  13. Already obvious that the Dallas Citizens Council is channel stuffing candidates into this upcoming mayoral election to fracture Griggs strong base and force a runoff. I really want to see Griggs win and institute a younger stronger form of leadership that will wash away the Park Cities moth ball smelling powerbase. I am a Republican and he is a strong progressive but I like his style. Matter of fact, I was at his campaign announcement last night.

    Chad West who is tapped as Griggs replacement for district 1 should pick up where Griggs left off in terms of voting with other like minded people.

    I am not sure what will happen with Lee Kleinman in North Dallas. He was rumored to not run again for his seat. His wife moved her practice to Colorado recently and he was supposed to go as well. Now he might stick around for his last term. It would be great to see him go to Colorado and get a better candidate on the ballot.

    Glad to see Callahan leaving in District 5. A young hispanic man is running for his seat and will be another ally of Griggs if they are both elected. Yolanda Williams the park board member for that area of Dallas quit her board position yesterday to likely run for city council. She is famous for saying "I hate racists....and white people". She is out of control crazy and hopefully won't stand a chance against a better candidate. That district has very low voter turnout and can be won with just a handful of votes, literally.

    Sandy Greyson is term limited. She has been an even handed city councilperson who hopefully can endorse someone who will align with Griggs.

    I think the rest of the seats are all locks and most are nutty people. That includes Kingston who is weird but votes the way I like, mostly.

  14. 3 hours ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Could explain a few things.  What I’ve found odd about this story is piling all your kids in a car at 6am to get coffee 20-30 minutes away.  I’m not saying people don’t do that but that’s a healthy appetite for caffeine.


    Odd that. Very odd. Odder still that the mother has a lengthy rap sheet for drugs and theft. Triple odd that she knew one of the men involved in killing her daughter. Odd.

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