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Posts posted by horncyclist

  1. 5 minutes ago, heso said:

    Fox News pumping for escalating things. Calling for the US to launch cruise missiles and target Iranian oil facilities and missile launch sites. 

    Trump's briefing. Insane. There's a clear path to deescalation now but I have no idea what happens. Probably a coin flip whether this escalates to a full scale war. Remember, one side is full of religious extremists intent on bring about the final battle...and the other side is an Islamic republic. These aren't rational people we're dealing with.

    • Like 7
  2. I can't find the tweet but Schumer said something indicating that Pelosi would send over the articles soon as the landscape for the trial is now clear. She had laid the groundwork for that cover when withholding them and probably calculates as a political maneuver she's gotten all she can about the delay.

    Goal for Dems should be to reveal the Senate trial for the he cover up that is, let them acquit and then let the voters remove him in November. 


  3. Has this shit been posted? Should we dust off the old internment camp plans? Holy shit, what disgusting people in this administration.


    Iranian-Americans Questioned at the Border: ‘My Kids Shouldn’t Experience Such Things’

    Up to 200 people were held by border agents, with some of them reportedly asked to share their opinions about the situation in Iran and Iraq.


    SEATTLE — Arriving at the United States border in Washington State early Sunday morning after a skiing trip to Canada, Negah Hekmati and her family were pulled out of line for further questioning by Customs and Border Protection agents.

    The family found itself in a room filled with fellow Iranian-Americans, many of whom had already been held for hours. The agents wanted to know the identities of Ms. Hekmati’s parents, siblings, uncles and cousins. Her husband, a software engineer at Microsoft, was asked about any military service in his past. The agents left, and then came back with more questions.

    During the five overnight hours they were held at the Peace Arch Border Crossing on their way back home to the Seattle area, Ms. Hekmati said, her 5-year-old would not sleep, worried about the prospect of jail. The young girl asked Ms. Hekmati to stop speaking Farsi, hoping that might help avoid further scrutiny.

    “My kids shouldn’t experience such things,” Ms. Hekmati said. “They are U.S. citizens. This is not O.K.”


    More than 100 people of Iranian descent appear to have faced similar delays at Washington’s border with Canada over the weekend, a process Gov. Jay Inslee described on Monday as the inappropriate “detention” of people — some of them United States citizens — who had done nothing wrong.

    “I don’t think there’s any reason that is rational — and certainly constitutional — to target people based on the place of their birth,” Mr. Inslee said in an interview. “It’s pretty clear that that’s what they did here.”

    The stepped-up border screenings came in the wake of an American drone strike on Friday that killed a powerful Iranian general, Qassim Suleimani, and spurred promises of revenge from Iran’s supreme leader.

    Customs and Border Protection officials insisted that no one was detained or refused entry “because of their country of origin.” However, border agents often require people seeking admittance at the border to undergo a process known as secondary screening — which appears to have occurred in Washington, and in lesser numbers at other ports of entry.

    A half-dozen people of Iranian descent who were held for additional questioning in Washington described extensive questioning about their family and background, even though, like Ms. Hekmati, many were American citizens. One woman said she was asked to write down the name of the high school she graduated from in Iran 39 years ago. Another person was asked about his parents’ military service from before the 1979 Iranian Revolution. Others were asked to identify details about their Facebook accounts.


  4. Interesting reporting questioning the justification--or lack thereof--for moving against Suleimani now. Also some reporting on Iran's planned response.

    Honestly, I think this ends with some serious attacks and Trump backing down. He cares too much about his reputation to start a Mideast war. Then again, he may have already, not realizing what he was doing.

  5. Here's a good article on Warren's pressure on the Clinton campaign and plans to push a Clinton administration away from the pro-corporate status quo on economic policy. Reading it really gives you a sense of the progressive coalition she's built and how her administration could actually be effective in bringing about real structural change. For the same reasons, it reveals the threat she poses to many who are exploiting the current system. God, I wish Democrats weren't fucking this up.




    • Like 3
  6. I didn't know where to put this but blame the republicans the most for this shit for failing to stand up to Trump. 


    (CNN)An Iowa woman was charged with attempted murder after running over a 14-year-old girl, saying she did so because the teenager "was a Mexican," police said.

    Nicole Marie Poole Franklin, 42, was arrested on other charges and Thursday admitted to Clive police she hit the girl with her vehicle on December 9, according to a news release from the Clive Police Department. Clive is about 9 miles from Des Moines.

    The girl was walking to Indian Hills Junior High when a vehicle drove onto the sidewalk, ran over her and left the scene, the release said.



  7. 3 minutes ago, burntorangebongos said:

    It would be cool if Romney would pull a Jeff Flake move and get Collins and Murkowski and one other senator to compell MoscowMitch to call witnesses, but that is almost 0.0% of that happening unless they get a lot of pressure from their constiuents. What would be in it for them to buck their party, aside from integrity?

    Trump ran attack ads against Romney after he spoke out when the whistleblower report came out. That, and whatever other pressure he got, seems to have quieted him. What a coward.

  8. 15 minutes ago, Red Five said:

    I don't think I'd ever really thought about what Trump's reaction would be post-senate trial. Facts won't matter. "I've been found innocent! The impeachment has been overturned! We're going to start the investigations of congress and send them to jail, starting with crazy Nancy!"

    Remember when Erdogan consolidated power after the attempted (maybe staged) coup. It will probably be something like that. 

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