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Posts posted by horncyclist

  1. Voted for Elizabeth Warren. Hard to not think about what might have been. Here's hoping that Biden and/or Bernie don't fuck this up and Liz keeps her influence. We desperately need her structural reforms.

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  2. Werr probably doing a mortgage refi this week. From 4.375 should save a bunch. Does the surly wisdom say rates have hit bottom? I would try to lock rates today but my wife had a surprise medical bill collection pop up last month that will disappear this week. With the markets and 10 year stabilizing, do we expect mortgage rates to creep back up?



  3. I'll be voting for Elizabeth Warren this morning. She's the most qualified of the bunch and has a vision for where we need to go. I think, if nominated, she would win and she would be great. Absent Bernie having a heart attach again, she probably has no chance, but I'll feel good about my vote.


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  4. 14 minutes ago, achooloco said:

    That’s just it; my coping strategy Is that all you can do is buy a few more supplies on grocery runs until the possibility of being isolated 2-4 weeks becomes inevitable. Then make a mad dash and bunker down. Water and electricity will not get shut off, you’ll probably get the Wuhan but odds are really really good you won’t die from the virus. 

    my problem is that I’m only focusing on the MTA being shut down and then being forced to stay home. I keep having to remind myself that that’ll be 1-2 weeks but what if I then get sick? I’ll have to add another 2-3 weeks of time off and more supplies needed.

    Would suck for me but not sure how that type of scenario and it’s impact plays out for the rest country and the economy. Let’s say people get mild symptoms and go to work so they then start another round of sick people in their area. At least the economy won’t suffer that much but then one or two people they know do get really sick? There’s a lot of unknown shit to ponder. 

    edit: for me, that really isn’t shit hitting the fan. It’s not the apocalypse. Shit will suck but it’s seemingly manageable with a little bit of prep work and rationalization. 

    Why would the MTA shut down only be 2 weeks? I'm anticipating teleworking for months.

  5. 33 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Mortality rate is not the problem.  Well, if you’re over 65 it is.  

    The problem is the 15-20% who need to be hospitalized, have their fluids checked/dripped, and need to be intubated to keep their airways open.    For 2-3 weeks.   Oh, and the people maintaining their IVs, oxygen, etc, have to be in serious PPE    

    That would overwhelm American healthcare.   We are just not setup for a shit-ton of people being hospitalized and quarantined for 2-3 weeks each, with healthcare providers wearing full PPE.  

    By the end of next week, China will have thrown together over 25 new hospitals in and around a single city of 9 million.

    China wouldn’t give this much of a shit about a few hundred thousand people, unless it is That Bad.   

    I've been following this thread and the news developments. Reading this it kind of sunk in. Is it really a 15-20% hospitalization rate? This is going to disrupt our way of life for a year. Until the vaccine is widely available.

  6. Just did 30 minutes of calls to California. Got 4 confirmed Warren votes and one lady voting for Buttigieg. Chatted with the Buttigieg voter for a bit who said Warren was too old. Anyway, feels good. Others should join.



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  7. 28 minutes ago, Post Oak said:

    Liz raised 2.8 mil last night after the debate.  

    I hope this is the start of some momentum for her.  

    She still has my vote. My wife and I donated again and will be volunteering.

    • Like 2
  8. Having strange thoughts today, that if it's not Liz, I could get behind Bloomberg.He prob has no limit on spending, would double Trump in TV and social. His not being depend on big money donors is appealing too. Obviously grassroots funding is better.

  9. 36 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    This is the difference between dotard cultists and us rational folk.  I also am doing better in my life than I ever have.  I would also take a step back if it meant other people weren't actively being deprived of their rights and generally being treated like 3rd class citizens and I didn't have to watch the destruction of democracy and our governmental institutions by a shit gibbon.

    Also you can separate correlation between causation. I'm doing really well too. It has nothing to do with Trump. Nevermind that I believe he's harming me personally in the long run.

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  10. Seems like there's no stopping it, huh? Seems like the only bright spot is the death rate appears low but who knows how accurate the reports are. Also, how long does it take to people? There's a 14 day incubation period. Figure it takes at least a few days for fatal pneumonia to set in. So the large number of people infected two weeks ago wouldn't show up in the death toll yet. Seems like you would need to discount the infected rate in calculating the fatality rate, no? Do they do this?


  11. 1 hour ago, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:

    From what I saw, he did an admirable job.

    Adam Schiff for President! Only half joking. The democratic primary has gone about as bad as possible if the goal for the prospects of beating Trump. Most likely outcomes are Biden with a bunch of pissed off progressives or Bernie and god knows what. The chaos in the party either way will lay the groundwork for Trump's victory. Plus, why shouldn't he just call up Putin tomorrow and say "I've been thinking about lifting Russian sanctions in the national interest. And uhh... oh yeah, we need you to do us a favor. You remember those Russian intelligence guys you had helping us out in 2016. Can they fire up their operation again? No quid pro quo! Thanks, Vlad!" This is a dark day and a majority of the country is clueless. 



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