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Posts posted by SEC

  1. 4 minutes ago, burntorangebongos said:

    I love these assholes. Fuck. We lost but I love these fuckers for wanting it. They couldn't come out of the hole they dug in the first half. Fuuuuck. Texas, I love you fuckers. You suck but I love your heart.

    I at least love the fight in Ehlinger. If he'd been able to touch the ball for one more series we would have had a chance.

  2. 2 minutes ago, satyanash said:

    People are saying it's the same injury Sam Bradford had in 2008... I remember them trying to rush him back for the RRS, one sack and his year was over. Best to be careful and hold him out against OK. St.

    Get well soon, Sam.

    Yeah, that's probably why sitting him out the entire Baylor game was such a good thing. He gets two solid weeks to recover. Not going through the full game is a huge help.


    He might be good to go vs Ok St, though. Sam seems built of sterner stuff than ol' cross-eyes.

  3. 33 minutes ago, Bullneck said:

    Two national championships and two other title game appearances doesn't do it for you?  

    So you don't know what blue blood means, got it.

    First MNC was in 1981.  37 years ago.

    Which was about 110 years after college football started. Hence why they're not a blue blood. They are new money.

  4. Just now, Vic Mackey said:

    Yep. He bogged this offense down the entire 2nd half. He did make some clutch 3rd down passes but they were short slants. We are in big trouble if Shane has to play the final stretch. Like you said, we need a backup who can come in and run the normal offense Sam runs. The QB run and the threat of him running is a big part of what makes us click. And Shane can't do that at all. It's not his game. And he doesn't utilize the size of our WRs consistent enough as Sam does. Especially down the field.

    The entire offense seemed slower with Shane. Felt like we were playing in slow motion. I have no idea why, it just looks like every play develops slower with Shane at QB.

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