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Shut up Lou Holtz

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Everything posted by Shut up Lou Holtz

  1. After birth abortions. Fucking lies. And they don’t stop it
  2. “is renowned for its strong athletic programs” I stopped right there. Strong aggy delusion
  3. To see secret service tackle that orange fat fuck as he aggressively waddles towards Biden would absolutely be hilarious.
  4. My god. That movie freaked me the fuck out as a kid and now I know it’s real. Not sleeping tonight
  5. I hope they are wrong. I’m just west of west of oak hill and we need way more than an inch!
  6. I am here for all the Jaws references! Here’s a picture of the real Pickles. My photo taken in the Bahamas
  7. I love it! Pickles becomes an electric boat salesperson and eats a Cheeto guy
  8. I’ve written 2 books about sharks. Both for kids. My most recent is “A Shark Named Pickles” about a tiger shark named Pickles. The. Book teaches kids that trash in the ocean is dangerous and we need to clean the oceans. I think the next adventure for Pickles is “Pickles Gets Banned”. I would love for my book to make the list and piss off the nazi Karens in this country. Maybe start with book banning but Pickles teaches the reader we should ban “shark finning” not books!
  9. And not a goddamn thing will happen. It’s all out in the open. Doesn’t matter.
  10. That’s fair. They are still fucking pathetic racists
  11. I wish Jesus would really come back so all these idiots heads would explode seeing his dark skin. Fucking hate these racists
  12. That fat fuck deserves every horrible thing possible. Opioid OD is too good for him
  13. An epic implosion unfortunately. Shitty coaching and we just didn’t seem mentally strong this series
  14. This. When you add stupid play combined with bad coaching, you get this Blake Gideon bullshit
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