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Flaming Moderate

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Everything posted by Flaming Moderate

  1. Prophet Fucking Mohammed you guys and your talking points.
  2. That's where I land. I excuse her mistake and his reaction. What (absent other information) will never make sense to me is why is your first response to shoot vs. the myriad other options. BTW - this goes for myriad "on the job" cop shootings that are WAY WAY WAY too trigger happy. I guess that does lead down an unexpected path: - She says, "I'm a cop, I have a gun, get out of her." - His only rational response is, "Bitch, this is my house. WTF are you doing?" - She likely doesn't immediately go, "I don't remember that vase. Am I in the wrong place." Regardless, shoot first, ask questions later is not a good M.O.
  3. If she comes out as gay or trans will that change everyone's perspective? Need my cheat sheet, but today does (Gay + Woman) > Black?
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