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Terry Silver

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Posts posted by Terry Silver

  1. 12 hours ago, Lobwedgephil said:

    Another out of state safety prospect the A&M staff would like to see in Aggieland is Antonio Johnson. He was scheduled to make a trip earlier this month, but there was a fire at his house that threw a wrench in a lot of his plans.

    Wow, these kids are getting lazy with their excuses.  That's worse than telling the teacher "the dog ate my homework".

  2. 13 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:

    Let's be honest -- living in College Station wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.  But having to deal daily with A&M's multiple BMDs, who are still nothing but clueless gomers with huge amounts of money, would be high up on the list of worst things in the world.  Plus, you couldn't go anywhere in public without the middle class gomers glomming onto you and giving advice. 

    This is a great post.  I think back to all the recent aggy coaches, particularly Mark Turgeon, who was likely overwhelmed by the aggy hordes.  Of course there were comments by Turgeon about how great it is living there and whatnot, and the texags posters would remark about how great it is to see the Turgeon family at church or at a restaurant or wherever and the aggy would whip themselves into a frenzy about it.  Imagine having to deal with that on a daily basis.  Then think about having to deal with guys like John Sharp and Rick Perry on a professional level.  It's next to impossible.  

    *The only aggy coach that hasn't left town in the middle of the night is Rob Childress.  He's been there 12 or so years and he's had some success.  Either he likes knowing the aggy touch themselves when they see him at a restaurant, or he tells them to cut it out and leave him alone.

  3. 25 minutes ago, ClubWhatever said:

    Are you equating aggy with God? 

    In the sense of infinite possibilities, yes.  However God is usually associated with infinite power, strength, wisdom, virtue, and whatnot.  Aggy is associated with the exact opposite of that.

  4. 22 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Just looked, and they have a home baseball game at 630 Friday night vs Auburn, so they are going to split attendance. 

    Baseball game time Saturday is still 4 pm so I guess they don’t need to move that start time due to rain. 

    Interesting Fact: aggy baseball has only played two away series so far this season.  When you said the Auburn series would be in aggieland I thought to myself, "no way in hell is that possible".  But with aggy, anything is possible.

  5. 2 hours ago, Mitch Cumsteen said:

    Wait a minute. Is there an actual, physical Aggy Corps of Cadets Hall of Fame? If so, it's got to be terrifying.

    Do they have a 'jizz jars through the years' exhibit? Is there a section dedicated to squeezing your nuts? 

    I'm going to set up a tent outside the aggy spring game selling custom made jizz jars with pictures of Kyle Field and Reveille for $50 each.  The table next to mine will be John Manziel's blowjob table.

  6. I don't think RWilson needs to be on aggypedia, but he most certainly needs to be discussed further in his own surlyhorns thread.  RWilson's brief stay atop the texags rivalries posters hierarchy coincided with when I discovered the euphoria of aggy misery.  Not coincidentally, this all coincided with the Fran era.  It took me several years to reconcile the texags hubris, the pitiful football history, their record breaking ineptitude under Fran, and this know-it-all named RWilson.  What a time that was for me.  A defining moment in my life.  Ever since, I have been an abuser of legal drugs: the drug they call aggy misery.

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