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Posts posted by Machinator

  1. A few interesting comments from Herman re: spring recruiting visits and spring game:


    On strategy behind spring official visits: I think we’re at three weekends right now that we’ll host visitors. That’s not to say that if there’s a guy that we’ve got to have and he’s a can’t miss guy and he says “coach, this is the only time I can come see Texas,” then we might make some adjustments. Right now, we’re trying really, really hard to push those guys to three weekends. We think they’re three really good weekends for us in terms of what’s going on around Austin and on our campus.

    On if the spring game is one of those weekends: It’s not. It’s like a gameday visit. I know a lot of schools are using their spring game as one, but I think the reason we recruit so well is we spend so much time with those guys, we develop those relationships, they come to my house, they play basketball. There’s a lot of fellowship and bonding that goes on. When you have those gameday visits, a lot of that gets shortchanged. I want to make sure that doesn’t happen.

    On the spring game and if he expects it to be a big event: I sure hope so. Maybe it was too hot last year. Maybe it was on a tough weekend for people to come out. There are schools out there, regardless of record, putting 80-90,000 people in the stands for a spring game. I don’t see why the University of Texas should be any different. We’ve moved it to nighttime so hopefully it will be a little bit cooler. People will get all their chores and lakeside jogging in, all that stuff in during the day. Then hopefully come see the Longhorns that night. We will draft teams this year. Don’t know exactly the format. We haven’t really talked specifics. I do know this; we’re only going to have one offensive line. They’ll be in different colored jerseys and we’ll have a rotation. We’ll draft the rest of the positions and play it like a real game.


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  2. You're concluding Febres (I assume) can't shoot because of a rocky freshman year?

    You're underselling Sims if all you think he'll be able to do by the time he's done at Texas is dunk.

    You're also omitting Coleman, who's arguably the prize of the non-one-and-dones of that class.

  3. 1 minute ago, bularry said:

    outside of Kansas, entire conference looks down a bit next year.  as that right or just me?

    K-State returns everyone, and Iowa State should be better (because they can't get any worse). But yes, next season should be less of a meat-grinder in the league.

  4. 5 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

    Bamba is gone. Hamm will transfer before too long. Febres will probably never develop a consistent jump shot and leave after getting 10 minutes of PT next year. Leaving Coleman and Sims. Sound familiar? Give it time. It will be a bust.

    Bamba gave us a great season, and we always knew he was going to be a one-and-done. We didn't take full advantage of it, but that doesn't make him a bust.

    Febres was always going to be a program player. Shooting doesn't immediately translate as you ascend levels of play. I'm not going to write him off because he had a freshman year of growing pains (even as he showed some potential). Takes like this are why people hate Texas fans.

    Hamm - yes, this take I question.

    Sims and Coleman will be good.

    So that's three or maybe four out of the five takes (if you exclude Long) from that class who have given us solid contributions. Hardly a bust class. The 2016 class is a different matter.

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