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Posts posted by CoTex

  1. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

    Man, I enjoy that, and it’s when I’m at my best - everyone chuck your plan out the window, and figure out how to hit a ball thrown over your head. You can bitch all you want...but the winner will be the guy who rolls with it, changes his swing, and hits the ball a country mile.

    I love that shit.

    But that still ain’t the way it should be.

    My favorite is When you’re in state court on something contested and the judge says “do we need a record?”

    “No sir/ma’am”

    that’s code to me that we’re about to go no-holds-barred cage match and no appeal.  Do some lawyerin.

  2. 1 hour ago, Kyrie Eleison said:

     Hannah was the same way; woe be unto you if you ended up on his south side.  but i enjoyed both their courts as well as Cobb. 

    You better have your shit buttoned up and ready in Judge Gilstrap’s court.  Right - ok.  Wrong - ok.  Dumbass, cheating or unprepared?  Ho-Lee-fuk.

    I recently had the privilege of appearing in front of Lee Rosenthal with Rusty Hardin in the courtroom.  I think she is a very cool judge and hope to go back.  


    Isnt this part part of what makes the game special?  Strike zone may change, ump having a bad day, whatever, get up there and play ball.

  3. 40 minutes ago, immortal13 said:




    Damn I loved that movie. It was so ridiculously stupid yet bad ass at the same time. 

    Lou Diamond Phillips - flour bluff, Texas - UT Arlington.

    I am not afraid of dying chevato.


  4. 2 hours ago, Stoogey said:

    Ama, the topless Japanese female pearl divers, on surfacing exhale with a long whistling sound to prevent the bends. 

    You don't have to be diving to be susceptible. 300 feet below Milwaukee there is a 17 mile long system of tunnels created to prevent sewage overflows into Lake Michigan during thunderstorms. Each worksite had a hyperbaric chamber in the event of decompression sickness.

    If you ever think your job sucks, remember, at least you don’t have decompression sickness in a sewage tunnel underneath Milwaukee.

    • Like 2
  5. 8 hours ago, Buzzrock said:


    But he’s right, those things only happen if you’re breathing compressed air under water. That’s why free divers don’t get the bends or gas embolisms.


    Well we’re pretty far off track from duck boat sinking now but, I would rather speak truth to silliness than maintain order.


    Free divers do get the bends - you’re wrong.


  6. 11 hours ago, rage-a-holic said:

    It's due to the fact you aren't breathing compressed air underwater.


    Wrong as usual.

    It is a result of gas absorbed in your tissues under pressure (from depth under water), expanding when the pressure is released (ascending).

    if you’re only down at 40 feet for a few seconds, history tells us you won’t absorb much gas.  Deeper for longer and it starts to approach problem time.  There are tables and dive computers that will tell you how deep/long is safe.

    there is also something called an expansion injury where you take a deep breath at depth and then don’t exhale as you ascend.


    i doubt any of these deaths were caused by  either of these.


    more likely, these people breathed water instead of air when they couldn’t escape the cage/duck boat.  I’m sure they were terrified and in pain.

    Terrible way to die.

    • Like 1
  7. When they pulled the "boat" up on CNN today, it looked like the windows were blown out.  I wonder how much effort it would have taken to kick out a window, when this became unrecoverable.

    Do any of you remember G650's experience from last year's Chicago - Mac race?  They lost and recovered a man overboard at night.  He's probably racing that same race right now.


  8. Probably the “captain” had a uscg master license of some sort and knew better.  Probably the “driver” was a spicoli type who did exactly what he was told and was shitting his pants.


    when you charge $30 a shot, each 30 person trip is worth $900.  8 of those a day and you better not get off schedule or bossman will be pissed.  

  9. 8 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Yup, if I’m ther with my kids and I know there’s life jackets, I’d like to think that I’d make the choice to grab them and bail while I still have the ability to chose. 

    In the boat, you are in trouble. In that water with no floatation, you’re in trouble. 

    In the boat you’re going to die.  In the water you’re going to have to fight to survive but, you have a chance.


    Add in fats, olds and children and it gets bad.  I have an 11 year old that is very athletic, and probably swims 90 days a year, but she would struggle in that, mentally as much as anything.

  10. Look at the sky at the beginning and then watch the wind speed increase around 0:45.  My guess is it increases from about 20 knots to 40.  

    If you’ve ever been on a sailboat in a squall when it goes from 20-40, it gets very difficult to talk and hear.   Somewhere around 40 you are just surviving for the first 5 minutes.

    G650 - what’s your take?

  11. Human nature when you’re in an emergency on a boat is to stay sheltered in the interior - “we’re safe in here - the bad water is out there.”  

    Probably you couldnt have pried the passengers out of that duck boat to swim in the storm, even though it’s apparent to all of us that the boat is a death trap.  Add in screaming panicked women and children and imagine the hell on the interior of that thing.  

    Grab something floaty, kick off your shoes and enter the water.  Wind and waves suck but just float for 10 mins or so and you live.

    The captain should have never entered the lake but , after he did, full throttle and beach that mf’er, anywhere.  

    You don’t need a weather report - use your brain and look out the damned window.

    After the exit is submerged - there is no abondoned ship.  You’re going to meet Davy Jones.

    • Like 1
  12. There is an open air Thai restaurant on the north/east side of Portland across the river that’s really great.

    i forgot the name of it because i got drunk af on cloudy sake and then walked across the street to the smoke shop and got into some crazy stuff.

    had so much fun I had to leave the rental car parked on the street and Uber to the hotel for a nap.

    Bend is worth the trip.  I was eating lunch at this restaurant and bullshitting with the owner and I told him I was from Texas.  He said “I used to have some restaurants in Texas...”. I asked him which ones?  He said “mccormick and schmicks.”  Because I’m an asshole I said “are you McCormick or Schlick? “. He said “I’m bob McCormick.”

    Pine tavern bend Oregon.


  13. If you’ve never placed an unopened can of Wolf chili into the coals in the fire ring at your camp fire at pedernqles state park, as a treat for your college buddies, well then, you would be surprised by that furnace video.

    trying to explain to my friend Phillip’s dad why his tent had burn holes in it, like it had been through a meteor shower, and chili stains on it - that was hard to do with a straight face.

    the energy released when a can of chili explodes will launch coals into the tops of trees at pedernales falls, as well as launch coals all over you , your friends, and your friends mom’s new Acura legend.

    sorry for partying

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