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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hobbes2702

  1. Schuessler almost fucked that. Took him forever to get back and tag
  2. lol. Kash apparently doesn’t know to follow the runner. Thanks Jackass
  3. Good shot by Gaspo but how was that a diving play lol. Clown show at short too
  4. I don’t mind it. Almost guarantees you score him from 3rd. Kills any chance for the big inning though.
  5. That CF is really a fucking clown show lol
  6. J Brent was better than Huston. Fight me
  7. Not a great pitch there but gets the out.
  8. Need Gage to come in and put in work
  9. I would imagine he will be starting Tuesday and maybe next Sunday depending on results.
  10. Hes 6’5” 240 and a career 900 OPS. He certainly would have improved our lineup and defense.
  11. DH, or put JT in center and Porter at DH. O’Dowd is the guy that would lose out
  12. Tanner is done. Stop pitching him. He has fucking nothing
  13. The commentators acting like Gaspo did something crazy. When you run to 1st you go through the bag guys. The 1st baseman probably shouldn’t stand there after making the play.
  14. Get outta the baseline and no one gets run into lol
  15. The 1 out sac bunt is certainly a strategy. At least Jack put it in play Better than him striking out in three ball in the dirt
  16. I’ve never understood people who do that. Like these dudes made it, you’re watching lol. Tadlock getting shown up by his pitcher
  17. Like I said about Beyleu and the power both ways.
  18. The ball isn’t in his glove you dumb fucks. Still an out on transfer i think
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