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Doc Holliday

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Posts posted by Doc Holliday

  1. 21 minutes ago, phdhorn said:

    Oh, no severe 'round here Friday/Sat overnight.  In fact, < 50% chance anyone in CenTex gets rain, nevermind TORCON DEF 5++++!!!!!!!

    Please, kill my hopes and dreams.

  2. 19 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Man, I don't care how smart or well-educated you are, a 30 year old hasn't lived long enough to have significant responsibility for Intel or national security. 

    In general, yes, I agree with you.

    I've also lost some ability to trust or put faith into the older generation leading some government circles.  Their ineptitude is beyond comprehension when it comes to technology.

  3. 54 minutes ago, GhostRider said:



    At one point last summer/fall I went on dates with 3 different women in a row who all ended up telling me they had the herp which I quickly said no thanks to.  I then stopped dating for a bit because fuck that nonsense. (no pun intended)

  4. Just started Consider Phelbas and by just started, I mean, I haven't read a single word, moved my bookmark to it and it's sitting in my passenger seat of my truck.

  5. I've been in all roles of it. I've been the fall guy, I've been the go-to guy, I've been given carte blanche to be successful, and I've had my hands tied to the point of failure.

    If you want to be successful in the PM world, and here is where I get philosophical, is that you need to understand the dynamics of each project, each organization, each project group and know that they are all different.  What you do on one project may or may not work on another, and you need to figure that dynamic out very quickly.  It's the unspoken risk management and politic dynamics.  Then the ability to be flexible with all things is important.  

    Risk Management is vital in that it's the foundation you need to have documented to protect yourself, the team, and the project.  Document, document, document.  Meetings? Send email minutes and document.

    The work itself should never be managed below 3 levels.  Project >> Phase >> High-Level Task 

    To track a project, in my experience, to the specifics of each task creates a nightmare of busywork.  You need to know what it takes for each task so you can call BS and drive the project and speak to it with leadership or clients.  Status reports are a nuisance and necessity.

    Also, last point for this post, build relationships with EVERYONE.  Relationships are what make the successes great, shitty parts better, and help allow you to create a space for success.  If they trust you, you can lead, if they don't, you're in for hell.

    Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. 



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  6. If USA is tied to the lizard people from outer space, Hello Zuk, and the lizard people hate the grey people are the greys in cahoots with Russia?  Is that why we are always at odds with Russia despite being very similar?  #conspiracythoughtexperiment #popcorn #ishouldwritescifi

  7. I've been in varying PM roles for close to 7 years.   I have loved it and hated it.  I have stood up some amazing programs and completed many small projects too.  I've been able to touch on nearly every category of IT operations and business. 

    It can be a shitty job when you have unreasonable leadership and unreasonable clients.  At one point I was working close to 80-100 hours a week due to my day job and then having to pick up PM work since I had to fire one of my employees.

    It does pay very well once you have the experience, thick skin, and ability to communicate effectively to all parties.  Plus, you need a good team working for you.

    I'll add more later.  meeting time....



  8. I'm starting to jump on the bandwagon of Pierce better get this team ready for OUsucks and for better competition.  Not a fan of what I am watching/seeing against quality opponents.  There are some bright spots and some of them will be gone next year.

    • Like 1
  9. 14 hours ago, F250 said:

    I've consulted for a number of ERCOT Power Gen and TDSPs for ICS/SCADA security in the past. After I noticed a reoccurring trend (incompetence) in the industry I started looking into going off the grid for electricity. Ideally, I would like to be on solar with Tesla batteries, propane and well. I already have two of those so just need the solar.

    On a sidenote, my father's ranch is outside of Victoria, TX and he was able to survive through Harvey fairly comfortable due to living mostly off the grid.


    I've worked closely with peers who were at a certain place listed in your post.  They've told me just how jacked up they can be and I don't blame you.  At least Texas is separate from the rest of the nation in that regard despite being regarded by themselves.

  10. 46 minutes ago, crash_davis said:

    so apple will still be able to sell their overpriced shit, people will buy but won't be able to use the shit because all the telcos networks will be down and all the power grids will be offline so no power.  and we'll all contract herpegonorrsyphillaids from the poisoned water supplies.

    I'm going to buy 12 life straws and start stockpiling magazines and maybe I might start downloading pr0n onto an old burner phone with a redundant power supply.

  11. 40 minutes ago, crash_davis said:

    this is a national security issue.  if/when we engage in a war with russia, china, nork, iran, our way of life will change overnight.  you can bet your ass those governments already have trojans in all of the major infrastructure systems to shut shit down at the click of a button.  what will all the insecure moms do without facebook?  what the fuck am i going to do without google maps traffic notifications and porn?????????


    wont something think of the humanity?????

    I wonder if certain company moves to green energy, looking at you apple, is a pivot to help minimize their risk/dependence on municipal power supplies?

  12. 1 hour ago, GlenFromTheMailRoom said:



    You'll ultimately be a "glue guy" of sorts.  At least that's the type of mentality I try to hire.  You have to be knowledgeable about the business to talk about why the analysis was ran, why the methodology used was applicable in the circumstance, and how it can be deployed.  You really do cover the entire eco-system of the business and technology in the process.  This is just my opinion but in order for a data scientist to be successful, they need to be a jack of all trades and a master of none.  

    “In God we trust; all others bring data.” - W. Edwards Deming

    While I agree with 99% of this...you are better suited to be a jack of all trades and a master of one (industry).   The best analytic minds I've met are very much a business analyst first and figure out current operating models, workflows, etc. to then identify places to grow, become more efficient, and/or predict opportunities with their ability to manipulate data.   

  13. subscribed.  this is part of my world and I never stop thinking about it.  hopefully will be getting back into it. 

    the simplest form I can make it, for most English speaking non-technical executives, is that if you can apply logic to any data source, you can infer any answer to any question that may arise.

    one of my friends is a director at a fairly successful analytics based think tank and we continually discuss current state, trends, direction, etc. of this industry. 

  14. 12 minutes ago, crash_davis said:

    this is a national security issue.  if/when we engage in a war with russia, china, nork, iran, our way of life will change overnight.  you can bet your ass those governments already have trojans in all of the major infrastructure systems to shut shit down at the click of a button.  what will all the insecure moms do without facebook?  what the fuck am i going to do without google maps traffic notifications and porn?????????


    wont something think of the humanity?????

    We really need to pass a law called HugeManatee that segregates our network of porn and FB. 

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