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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Jimbaround

  1. I usually take out a $100 US equivalent from a local ATM for random tips and such.  I always use a local ATM and agree to never let the ATM do the conversion for you.

    When I am checking out of my hotel to leave I just take any left over cash and ask them to apply it to my hotel bill and charge the rest.  It worked out great when I won a bunch of AUS $s gambling when I was in Brisbane.

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  2. Here’s a conspiracy theory. The food industry pushed for a change to Best Buy Dates because it would cause confused consumers to replace foods earlier than they would with hard expiration dates.
    Case in point is milk. I usually add a splash of milk to my coffee. I can always tell when milk is starting to sour because it stops mixing smoothly in coffee, it starts to curdle. That’s how I always knew when to dump it out without even tasting it. Under the old expiration dates, that used to be pretty much that day or the day after. With BBDs, I’ve gone a week or more past that date without any problems using it in my coffee.
    Meat and poultry is a different story. It starts to smell and look funky at 12:01am after the Use Or Freeze By Date. 

    This right here. There is a reason they use the words “best by” and “use by” on different products. Chips have a “best by” date on them but you’re not going to get sick eating potato chips a month past their date. Ground beef is another story.
  3. Containers for leftovers. My mom has two full cabinets in her kitchen filled with storage containers (from take out, restaurant leftover containers, Tupperware, you name it); dozens of containers. I go into her fridge and she is reusing a sour cream carton to store leftover soup. 50% of the jars or tubs in her fridge hold something different than the label.

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  4. I was at the Smith Street store at 10:30 to pick up something else. From what I saw the early folks were getting EHT Barrel Proof, EC store pick (I think), Hancock, Weller Full Proof, Stagg Jr, Four Roses SiB, and a few others that escape me right now. The early folks were leaving with about a dozen bottles.

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