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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Zonahorn

  1. Normally whomever receives enough votes for the speaker nomination get the floor vote to become speaker. Occasionally some really shady shit happens to the nominee and they withdraw before a vote can be held. Which is what happened to Scalise and Emmer.
  2. It did, it was the one time I saw republicans in this state cheer on Hobbs when she canceled the deal.
  3. The epitome of “anonymous Republican/source shits on Trump or the base” Things are looking pretty good here, the Republicans are still too insane to win a general
  4. They have like 12 hours to get to safety or get prepared for a category 5. All kinds of pants shitting is ongoing
  5. Regardless of Johnson technically winning the nomination, there’s zero chance he wins a floor vote.
  6. When I tell you the Republicans aren’t offering anything, I mean they aren’t offering anything. Dude, Emmer didn’t even get a floor vote.
  7. These are brutal. 31 votes for a candidate not actually running for the nomination, and an additional 16 not voting. The GQP is fucked EDIT; Make that an additional 20 not voting.
  8. The GQP has offered nothing to Democrats. There is nothing to negotiate or be bipartisan over.
  9. Not often you see a category 5 forecast from the NHC
  10. Hearing somebody say, “I’m a man/women of faith and it guides me” is always a giant red flag
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