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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Zonahorn

  1. I agree they look good, but I was bemoaning the Pelicans' shitty injury luck.
  2. And Ohio will still end up being like 55-40 for Trump
  3. https://newrepublic.com/post/176478/kyrsten-sinema-romney-filibuster-2024 She “saved the senate”
  4. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/marjorie-taylor-greene-slammed-by-cnns-jake-tapper-as-he-curses-on-air/ar-AA1j37R7 You know you fucked up when you have Tapper spitting mad.
  5. They also have artillery launched mines and can re mine the area the second that mine-sweeper is gone
  6. I was having fun while it was 14-0
  7. Ball don’t lie, lightning delay
  8. How is that unsportsmanlike like on the Jayhawks?
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