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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Zavala

  1. She's lost two boring decisions to her.
  2. Round 1 Jon got outstruck on numbers but got the best blow in with the big head kick. Round 3 Reyes was already gassed.
  3. Yeah, the UFC can do nothing except bitch about it. They can't control what dumbass judges and officials the commissions employ. Shit the rules aren't even adopted the same everywhere
  4. It's dudes watching their first few mma fights judging, blame Texas department of licensing and regulation. It would be best to just pay off the commissions and have an independent judging and officiating company that rolls to all UFC fights. I'm sure the UFC would prefer that but these boxing commissions want to be involved.
  5. Go back and watch the fight, the numbers are the numbers, but don't explain the octagon control, variation of strikes, take downs, damage, aggression, ect...
  6. Yeah it counts as a takedown with 0 seconds of control. Octagon control 90% control for Bones. I think it should be like 33 judges instead of 3. More 10-8 rounds for complete domination. Judges that understand MMA instead of pillow hug.
  7. It's independent retarded boxing judges every fight mandated by the sanctioning bodies in each state. Nothing to do with UFC. But please, don't watch anymore JBJ.
  8. Jon looks like he could go 5 more rounds
  9. That jab rocked em and opened em up. Good uppercut from Reyes through. JJ needs to be throwing an elbow and going for a sweep too.
  10. He finna bout to be gassed and all these leg kicks are stacking up
  11. WOO man that high kick was nice, too much toes not enough shin. JJ patented head movement defense is turning into the left instead of away. Don't know if Reyes gonna be able to do this for 4 or 5 rounds. His knee may get hyper extended any moment by these low sidekicks.
  12. Where's my cute little dance?
  13. All that shit talking in the interviews then sitting on the bench after 1 round this hoe looks defeated
  14. This Choochkigan girl does the same prefight pace like Holly Holm. The bullet gonna take her head off
  15. Oh shit it was that Aggy goober behind Halle Barry
  16. Lol the Kraken is a chinlet - not a good way to be at HW. Yeah wasn't Bas Rutten an announcer too? Wand was my all time favorite. Too bad he didn't come to UFC as a young juiced up killer
  17. Juan throwing strait eyepoke jabs lol
  18. Don't forget the superior ring instead of the cage. Tiny Chinamen trying to keep these big juiced up killers from falling out of the ring was so clutch. Plus it's a nice waist high handle to balance for some head stomps and soccer kicks to the head. But I see why they banned the fun stuff, they got labeled as a "blood sport" for a while and we're getting banned in some states.
  19. Why is DC still on the LHW rankings? He's retired, Stipe doesn't want to risk his eyes again for another rematch.
  20. Both these guys are barely pros. Adams got embarrassed by Greg Hardy. I guess I hope the NZ fighter has a crazy chin and wants to throw down like most of those guys from there
  21. They need to delete most the guys in that division, so boring when there's no knockout power or real submission attempts. Both guys are fighting for a decision. They need to bring back the yellow card for stalling and a $ deduction like pride lol
  22. Nice, Deshaun Watson and Russell Westbrook throwing up the horns. Backwards but I'll take it.
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