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Posts posted by TexasEx

  1. 19 minutes ago, RGBIII said:

    Still wild that we haven’t heard anything leading us to a single candidate yet...still feel like it’s Arnett because who the fuck else could it be logically

    Seems like it has to be. We already cucked the fuck out of Ash. Can’t be him. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Burt Macklin said:

    hopefully he’s just using Roach for a nice raise. He deserves it, and he knows we’re in throw our fucking weight around mode. 


    We'll see but makes sense. Would potentially cut against Sark's ties to SoCal. Motivatation to keep him in Austin. 

  3. 1 minute ago, wood said:

    If I knew which page to look at to find out, I would, but I don't, so ... who is "Monkey"? Thanks in advance..

    Sigh. Here we go. Banks's gf, poleassassin_ (on IG) has a pet monkey (also on IG) who was a Bama fan but will now be a Texas fan. Football support staff is making him some tiny chaps and a miniature cowboy hat as we speak. Plan is to have him ride Bevo out of the tunnel at Sark's first game. 

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  4. 1 minute ago, JOSEYWALES66 said:

    Pruitt does sound far fetched.  Unless Sark knows something about him being let go very soon, I can’t believe he’d wait until the Tennessee stuff is over to hire a DC.  

    Tennessee just hired Kevin Steele in an as-yet unnamed role during a supposed hiring freeze, and the assumption is Pruitt is out. Question is whether he'll be too tarred up by the investigation stuff for Texas to consider, assuming he's done at Tenn. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Katfid54 said:

    I distinctly recall thinking that Strong had an utter lack of ability to string two sentences together, but figured it would be "fine" because his Louisville teams showed he had a real nose for talent.  I recall being very impressed by Herman's (especially in comparison to Strong's) and thinking that he said all the right things.

    No Katfid though?

  6. 7 minutes ago, touchthemonolith said:

    Semi-serious question: Is there anyone on the Texas football beat that surly doesn't have a hate boner for? I get the hate for FCB because, well, fuck him, but in the past few days I've read that Taylor Estes is a useless bitch, Mike Roach is a fucking hack who doesn't know the first thing about recruiting, Cedric Golden, Brian Davis, and Kirk Bohls are incompetent assclowns who just makes shit up, etc. I'm frankly not informed enough to have an opinion one way or the other, but I'm curious if there's anyone that isn't universally loathed.


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  7. 23 minutes ago, fakepunt said:

    Nevermind.  I suck.  It appears to be random ads or something.. 

    I saw the same thing, but it looks like it’s just an advertisement related to their national championship. I didn’t realize Banks had only been there three years so that’s something. 

    Welcome aboard. That’s your one mulligan. Next time you fuck up you’ll wake up at midnight with @futureman doing things you’d never imagine in your worst nightmare. 

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