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Everything posted by TexasEx

  1. Correct. Outside of this thread and a few randoms on twitter, it's not really happening right now. FCB's "leaning towards not coaching again" story has been accepted as Urban rejecting Texas.
  2. If Texas cans Therman without immediately naming a replacement, speculation will once again run rampant about Urban?
  3. You getting anything else from the deer blind wire?
  4. Michelle tweeted "this is false."
  5. I take it to mean Heard is going to try to talk JQJ into staying at Texas, for some reason.
  6. This looks like the old tOSU coach contract. http://media.cleveland.com/osu_impact/other/Urban Meyer Employment Contract + addendums 1 + 2 + 3 (1) (1).pdf Check out section 4. Not hard to imagine his "fake job" or separation agreement would have similar language.
  7. Curious where you get the 100k figure. What about a settlement of his coaching contract? That was probably a package deal. I don’t place a lot of value on any non-solicit but it could be a factor, especially with tOSU competing for a national championship.
  8. He stepped down amid controversy. The purpose of the fake gig in the first place may have been to prevent a then disgruntled UM from jumping to another program and pulling all his guys. Or if he really felt he was done at the time, a non-compete or non-solicit may have seemed meaningless. Most of these agreements would be at most for 2 years. He stepped down December 2018... so if he signed a new assistant AD contract with a non-solicit shortly thereafter, the restrictions could be expiring just about now. Not saying that would be the sole reason for a delay but it could definitely factor into the timing of any move, especially if we’re close to the sunset date.
  9. I imagine UM or his counsel would be savvy enough to negotiate around a pure non-solicit, but who knows. He exited at a time where he may not have had much leverage.
  10. This is the thread for actual updates. This is also the thread for not actual updates.
  11. The assistant AD at tOSU thing may be a bigger issue than we realize. Don’t think we were able to source that contract. I could definitely see some rules about if/when UM could contact current tOSU employees about another opportunity. I also think people minimize the distraction it would cause tOSU players and staff if UM publicly accepted or even expressed interest in another job. Speculation of who would leave and when would run rampant. That alone is a fair explanation for delay, if that is what is happening.
  12. I have one. Please ask him when in the fuck we’re getting Urban. Thanks in advance.
  13. Same dude previously said UM to Texas just made sense.
  14. Some guy named pops posted some badass brisket and steak pictures a few hundred pages back.
  15. @Caddox, who may or may not be the squid, has a friend who has a deer lease and a brother-in-law who's tight with BMD people in Dallas and feels very positive about Texas's chances of hiring Corch Irving.
  16. Pretty sure the new SEZ complex includes a new locker room, weight room, player lounge, team meeting facilities etc. I remember reading they planned to keep some of the stuff from the new locker room they had just installed a year or so earlier as part of the SEZ project. That leaves the practice facility, which definitely needs to be upgraded. I thought I read on here those upgrade plans were already in the works.
  17. @caddox are you the squid? This similarly named twitter account looks awfully similar to the squids. If you are, enjoy Bolivia.
  18. PM me your contact info. I’ll hold it in escrow and we’ll only use it if this doesn’t pan out.
  19. Goddamn just trying to decipher the layers of hearsay and I have a fucking headache.
  20. I doubt we’ll see it. Two fingers at most.
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