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Posts posted by M12BH

  1. 5 hours ago, SubliminalHorn said:

    How did I not know this until now? I seriously though that was just how the WH was releasing these statements.

    <Raises hand>.  Honestly that makes me feel marginally better.  The juxtaposition of the "official WH release" thing with the vile vomit-filled garbage it contained was more than I could handle. 

  2. 23 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    This is why it is pointless to try and convert them using logic and truth.  Their brains are actually broken.  You can't fix that.

    And that's what scares the everliving fuck out of me.  They will convince themselves that it's not themselves that are to blame.  And the results will be really fucking ugly.  Trump is going to tell them to go scorched earth, and they will.  

  3. 3 hours ago, 4th&Five said:


    Well goddammit I've been doing so well up until now in not getting to mired down in what is actually going on at these rallies.  But this article nails it.  We are in deep shit.  These people are not going to go away.  They are going to get violent when the finally realize they have been conned.  They are going to blame everyone but themselves and Trump and they are going to create a lot of damage when it all comes crashing down, egged on by the President himself who will go scorched earth rather than admit to one iota of anything.  If you're part of the media, a perceived immigrant, a Jew, a Democrat, or any other of the "disfavored" you'd better watch your ass because someone is going to come gunning for you.  Yeah, I'm calling it now.  

  4. Put this in the "duh" category.  It suddenly struck me why the rubes lap up the "This the biggest and best __________ in the history of __________!!!!!"  It's because they lead sorry, sad little lives and now they have the President!!1!!  telling them that they are part of " The biggest and best __________ in the history of ________!!!!1!!1!!"  I mean, when you're uneducated idiotic trash and you have nothing else going for you, to have the President of the U.S. tell you that you're part of what he's claiming is happening, well, what could be better?  Amirite?

  5. There was something going on with Jumbotron. Sounded like they had a feedback loop going through the band mics that created an excruciating bottom end distorted roar during both the metal and techno canned shit, of which there was way more than there has been at any previous games this year. Kind of discouraging after all the improvements they’d previously made. Pretty much like the team itself. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Cosimo de' Medici said:

    No, I changed during the Surly switchover. If I wanted to troll incognito why the hell would I reveal my other handle? Your concerns are as grave as mine when it comes to those who risk their lives to wear a badge and keep some semblance of order in this world. For you to immediately play the gender and religion card is tired and expected 

    Well I guess we have different definitions of trolling. And “immediately”. In any case I hope you’re enjoying yourself. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Cosimo de' Medici said:

    A proud conservative once known as BoogityBoy

    Do you really get off that much from trolling those who have concerns about people being killed in the U.S. because of their gender or religion that you'd make a whole new internet persona and spend an entire Sunday morning doing it?  I mean, go for it I guess, but it just seems really sad.  

    • Like 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, M12BH said:

    So what's the best high-powered weapon that can be used to inflict maximum casualties should I purchase to start taking with me to my yoga classes, since I'm told that's the best way to protect myself from bad guys with guns?  Asking for myself. Would also appreciate tips on how to achieve yoga poses while maintaining combat readiness.  Thx.  

    Oh yeah, and also, because this is important, should it be a different firearm than the one I use to take to synagogue, or the same one?  I'd like to economize if possible.  And what kind of accessories do I need to purchase to make sure that the discharge of said weapons won't disturb a yoga class or, you know, something like a baby naming ceremony?

  9. So what's the best high-powered weapon that can be used to inflict maximum casualties should I purchase to start taking with me to my yoga classes, since I'm told that's the best way to protect myself from bad guys with guns?  Asking for myself. Would also appreciate tips on how to achieve yoga poses while maintaining combat readiness.  Thx.  

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  10. So one more thing though. I don’t get trolls. I don’t get the pleasure involved in saying things that are deliberately hurtful or distressful to others just to get a reaction.  I dunno. Maybe they weren’t held enough as babies and so they crave attention any way they can get it. I try not to engage them and it is difficult but it’s worse trying to wade through pages of bullshit propagated by those who just want to watch the world burn.  

  11. Brisket. Maybe this will give you some perspective. I’m Jewish as you know so I have some personal stake in all this and I’m pretty fucking raw about it too. But I’d never wish harm on the family member of an asshole in an attempt to open their eyes to the danger of what they are supporting. It wouldn’t work anyway. You know as well as anyone that they deplorables are immune to facts, logic and reason. As much as we desperately want to pound it into them by whatever means.  Ain’t happening  

     I wonder if someone like me were to take a bullet for said family member. Not that I’m offering as a sort of grim experiment but seeing someone from an already oppressed demographic make the ultimate sacrifice to protect the loved one of an apologist might do it. 

    Or not.  But emphasizing common humanity when forcing someone to face the consequences of what they support can change hearts  

    Or not.  

    I think it’s time for my own sabbatical now. I just voted. And then I wept. Because I didn’t think it mattered. 

  12. 4 minutes ago, Degenerate Gardner said:

    It's not that discussing the shooting's politics is wrong, though it's possibly premature.

    It's that I do not want slews of terroristic events to truly have clear political undertones.  Maybe "denial" is the word for it.  When we live in an America where this happens and our President can't resist stoking division, I don't know what comes next.

    Oh, I know what comes next.  I know very well.  Not to go all Brisket here, and I certainly haven't been vocal about it on this site, but I have called every fucking step of the deterioration of this country since that asshole got elected.  The only thing that surprises me is how fast it's all happening.  I've promised my husband to wait until after the midterms before having my next meltdown but I'm not hopeful.

    And oh yeah, this synagogue in Pittsburgh is my SIL's home congregation and I am dreading like hell having to call her.  Chances she knows the victims hover right around 100%.

    • Like 3
  13. 15 hours ago, Nivek said:

    You presume too much.  Trumpkins hated ObamaCare but loved the Affordable Care Act.     They cannot be reasoned with.  They don't have any idea what those words mean.  

    You know sometimes when I want a laugh, I ask a Trumpkin to please explain to me the definition of one of the following concepts:  "liberal", "communism", "conservative", "collusion", "socialism".  Or where Venezuela is and why we don't want to turn into them.  

    But not too often.  Because the answer usually makes me more depressed than anything.  Also, try asking one of them who Soros is.  They don't know, except that he is someone who makes them very, very, very afraid.  


    • Like 1
  14. Some goddam asshole motherfucker took my rainbow Beto bumper sticker off my car.  I hope whoever did it receives the full negative karma reserved for those who take rainbow Beto bumper sticker off cars.  Fuck you, asshole.  

    • Like 2
  15. 7 hours ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

    Austin morning radio has been harping on the olds to get out and vote, and not be complacent.  Scaring them by insisting that the millenials are going to vote en masse, and take away their medicare and health care choices.

    You know what's really, really, really funny about that contention?

    • Like 1
  16. 59 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:

    Small matter of her driver for like twenty years being arrested as a Chinese spy plus the possible leakage of Blasey-Ford's name for starters.

    Meh.  What's a spy among one's closes confidants and advisors, much less drivers,  when one is high up in the federal government.  What else ya got?

  17. Client of mine was crowing yesterday about how much he liked Trump because he was a "hell of a dealmaker".  Despite the fact said client is a pecan farmer whose business is destroyed this year because of tariffs.  This client is an (allegedly recovered) alcoholic without two brain cells to rub together but still.

    I see Feinstein has moved into "lock her up" territory.  Has anyone explained why she should be locked up?  Other than the fact that she is a Democrat?  And a female?  Sorry, I'm out of the loop on that one. 

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