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Posts posted by Wishbone

  1. 44 minutes ago, MonkeyDoughnut said:

    ZS mid-day tweeting is gold... I can't wait for his late night, after a few too many drinks tweet rampage that we all know is coming

    Seems like the repercussions of his actions are finally beginning to seep into his roid-fogged brain.

  2. 2 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

    Most people dont know who is is, so there is that...not random twitter people. Just this site. That being said, I don't believe he has a new LinkedIn account yet, after he changed his name to Daniel Josef or Daniel Joseph. Love to see one of those pop up. He'd better have some great Aggie Network connections, because there's a great chance that one day he runs across someone in the hiring world form here who knows who he is...and that will end ugly. He already got fired from his PwC internship because of this...I'm betting that will happen to him 1-2 more times before he dies. 

    Yeah, I remember following that situation on Shaggy (when I was in lurk mode) between him and BL. Looked forward to each development like a Breaking Bad fan did for each of those episodes. Lot’s of lulz!

  3. 1 minute ago, C-Man said:

    Will somebody just please nuke this guy already?

    His attempt at jabs and trying desperately to create a narrative come across like an elementary school butthurt loser. They are so childish and he’s too stupid and unaware that he has no idea how ridiculous he looks. What a fucking moron.

  4. I’ve looked back numerous pages in here and didn’t’ see any references to the hand gestures to the dugout following a base hit. After some googling I’ve seen various explanations such as “milking the cow” and driving references, “driving the ball”, “drive me in”, etc. Has anyone heard anything definitive in that regard?

  5. 49 minutes ago, Jkwellborn said:

    I’ve read where some ags are saying basically in baggins they trust. He’s a qb whisperer and Mond is improved. He completed 80% of his passes including drops one day in practice. Lol

    Whose drops, his or his targets?

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