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Everything posted by Wishbone

  1. Aaaaaand there it is!! Sweet!! What a win!
  2. Don’t give these guys anything. Make them work.
  3. Awesome! Now fucking finish these bastards!
  4. All game we’ve been helping the guys who don’t throw strikes and watching the guys that serve up chili. Of course, the ump zone has contributed as well.
  5. This seems like a 2 strike count before you try to hit situation.
  6. Stiff competition during playoffs. Even on the boards.
  7. Absolutely suck on offense. No way to spin it. This game is easily doable with even a little bit of offense.
  8. Critical point is this game right now. Get out of it.
  9. Sucks when you don’t have your best stuff, but still good enough. When you get your zone pinched on top of that it sucks more.
  10. That ball had ice on it when it finally landed. Quit doing that shit.
  11. It’s hard to know where this umps “low zone” is. Both pitchers either in the dirt or 3 feet higher.
  12. Let’s fucking go! I smell victory (either that or I’ve been roaching out in this recliner too long).
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