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Everything posted by Wishbone

  1. Fuck aggy. aggy sucks sucks at everything. (unnecessary periodic reminder)
  2. Yeah, saw that. I guess it’s the details that haven’t come out yet (or I haven’t seen) that leave me wondering WTF happened.
  3. Damn! This is terrible. Wonder why the story is? Condolences to the Hullaby family and friends. RIP Jaden.
  4. There’s always next year aggy. ALWAYS.
  5. Framber with the complete game shut out!
  6. Lol! Furk. Better to SO in that scenario.
  7. Anybody have any WVU board screenshots. Will gladly pay you Tuesday for a whine burger today.
  8. Way to nut up when it matters guys! Congrats!
  9. Well, the stall is on. Get next ready.
  10. There we go. Gimme a hit/deep fly plz.
  11. Does a long two octave fart work? Asking for a friend.
  12. Add something here and then finish them.
  13. Fuck. Do we have anyone left that can get ahead in the count?
  14. Getting more fucking runs would help for starters.
  15. Pierce needs to hammer a cork into this leaky shit right now.
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