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Everything posted by Wishbone

  1. Achane puts up am4.34 40
  2. Future odds on what happens first? -Waddle to Texas -2023 Looch 44
  3. Maybe one of you photoshop guys can aggy this (or another) appropriately:
  4. Looking forward to seeing Cook get early playing time.
  5. Personally I don’t give a fuck how they line up the conference. Bring on whoever. Just win
  6. They’re cult garbage with no fucking clue.. Always have been and always will be. Maintaining the cult is all that matters as it allows them to exist with false hope ingrained as a narrative of unrewarded greatness and recognition they have been denied from outside corrupt influences designed to keep them down. To inject reality and self awareness is akin to non-existence in that fucked up world they live in. That is why you will never see them embrace any culture change or entertain the thought of such a thing.
  7. Back? They have never been where they want to be OR where they think they have been. Unless he is referring to a fairly consistent 8 win aggy nirvana.
  8. I’ll play. 3, 1, 4, 1. Pretty sure those sunglasses aren’t hiding any deductions.
  9. That would make a pretty good BBBackfield… (I’ll see myself out)
  10. Would love to know what Freshwater told the kid re. aggy on his visit.
  11. Jeez! Just got out of the shower and checked on this thread. Going back in.
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