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El Compadre

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by El Compadre

  1. 31 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    6:35a.  In the Vonlane to Fort Worth.  All Longhorn fans, obviously.  Couple of Surlyfans by the looks of this crew.  Onboard "attendant" is quite cute.  Rocking a very tight skirt and thigh-high boots.  

    I am sad to report that they cannot legally serve me a beer until 7:01a.m  

    I was asking myself what the hell a vonlane was. Looked it up, and holy shit that looks fucking awesome! Is this your first time on those or do you travel often on them? I see that they sync up with game times. 

  2. 7 hours ago, closetojumping said:

    I guess I don't really follow this post. Win or lose tomorrow, I still go to sleep tomorrow night with a UT degree. It's the same as it ever was. I realize for you and yours, your entire identity as a human is basically wound into the OU football program, but that's not the case for us on this side of the border. That's the thing, it's never been, and that's why you twits despise us. Whatever our issues are as fans, we're not lacking a sense of self-importance and elitism, and we never have. We're better than you and yours, irrespective of football result, and that's indisputable fact.

    Been lurking on here awhile, hardly ever post. But, damn ctj, you hit the nail on the head with this one. That's exactly what I tell my aggy friends and sooner fans. At the end of the day, I still have a degree from THE University of Texas! Well said.

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