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Bama Llama

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Posts posted by Bama Llama

  1. Only TV show that ever made me cry - Howdy Doody’s last episode, which aired September 24, 1960. The news passed quickly from house to house and 15 neighborhood kids gathered at my sainted Aunt’s house. When Buffalo Bob, Clarabell, Chief Thunderthud and the gang waved goodbye for the last time we all cried like babies. I had just turned nine. We had watched that show all our lives snd it was gone forever. It was a shock because none of us knew about it until the day before. I didn’t believe it until it happened right in front of me. It was like Ralphie when he decoded the Ovaltine messsge: “Sonuvabitch! They can’t do that!”

    Puppets, clowns and kid show hosts may creep sone people out but Howdy Doody was a really good kids’ program.

  2. I’m seventy-one and my favorite is A Christmas Story. Jean Shepard’s delivery of the narration was like being in the conscience of a boy for post WW2 Christmastime. The perfect set decoration, Ralphie’s fantasies, Randy whining at his meatloaf, the look on the Old Man’s face when Ralphie came out with F-U-U-U-U, it was a real Christmas without the saccharine. 

    Santa brought me a Benjamin pump air rifle when I was nine. I immediately pumped it fifteen times, loaded it with a bb, opened the back door and fired a hip shot at a female towhee, one of Mama’s favorite birds, pecking around under some bushes twenty feet away. I had zero confidence that it would hit home, a million to one shot. Dropped the poor towhee stone dead. Felt awful about it and still do. 

    YouTube has a treasure trove of Shepard radio shows from his days at WOR in New York. He’s like a latter day Mark Twain with a dose of sick little monkey. Wish he and the little towhee were still here.

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  3. 15 minutes ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    In the 1/1/73 Cotton Bowl it was UT QB Alan Lowrey that Bama claimed stepped out bounds on the winning touchdown run in the final minutes.  They of course were completely wrong

    Hmmmmm, I beg to differ but it won’t change the outcome.



  4. 42 minutes ago, RoyalBevo21 said:

    The series is 7-2-1 Texas

    I stand corrected. A tip of the hat to you for not being too lazy to look it up. Also, the corches’ records should be

    DKR 2–0-1

    PWB 0-3-1

    Akers 1-0-0

    And, it was the 82 Cotton Bowl. Texas came back from 10-0 to win 14-12, wisely giving up a safety near the end. Texas’ one td was on a qb draw, 36 yards by Brewer. The game is on YouTube if you enjoy blurry lo-def video and the voice of Lindsey Nelson.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. Hell, I get pissed every time I even think about

    60 Bluebonnet - 3-3 tie WTF?!

    64 Orange Bowl - goal line gimpy Namath vs manbull Nobis

    72 Cotton Bowl - Tx rb ran out of bounds left on called td

    80 Cotton Bowl - can’t remember why but still pissed

    DKR 3 - PWB 0

    It all evens up eventually - bad calls, bonehead plays, weird shit, breaks. Bottom line, Bama trails all time by what, four games?! See you in Tuscaloosa, us with an untested qb and probably several new coaches and/or coordinators, BoB being our handicap if he’s still here. Bring the chaps girls, mmmm hmm! Hope the TV guys will set this one for a night kickoff. No injuries and no bad calls.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. Finally found it. Glasses will be raised to Mike Leach at Flora-Bama for many, many nights to come. 

    From AL.com-

    Mike Leach once raved Flora-Bama ‘tough to beat’ for best party of his life

    By Howard Koplowitz | hkoplowitz@al.com

    Out of every corner of the country Mike Leach had been to in a life that spanned several college coaching stops, the late Mississippi State coach once said it was a beachside institution straddling Alabama and Florida that was “tough to beat” for the best party he had ever been to.

    “The place is called Flora-Bama … right on the border of Alabama and Florida, and you could go in there and there’d be like three different bands playing, one band slightly different from the next,” Leach said in a 2017 clip shared on social media after his death Monday at 61. 

    “You could get one of those sawed-off boxes like they put the case of beer in, heaping with crawfish.. for like five bucks,” Leach continued in the clip as he raved about the Flora-Bama.

    “And then they had this triple-level deck out there overlooking the Gulf of Mexico in the middle of the night all the stars, of course the band playing, all the people hanging around all day,” he said. “Fantastic people watching, plus you had crawfish, plus you’re out there on the end of that deck and it’s just gorgeous.

    “That’d be tough to beat, on the right night, which I actually like weeknights better because [it’s] too slammed on the weekends, but I’d have to say a really good weeknight at Flora-Bama,” the coach said.

    Leach was known for his pass-happy Air Raid offenses, wide-ranging interests — he wrote a book about Native American leader Geronimo, had a passion for pirates, taught a class about insurgent warfare — andrambling, off-the-cuff news conferences -- including being asked about candy corn, hypothetical mascot fights and the best party he’s ever been to.

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  7. If for no other reason than DKR's great ballsy championship call and the perfect execution thereof, this was definitely one those games you always remember.  I was 18, a freshman at Rice but a football fanatic. I watched this game in the smoke filled, dank and dreary Will Rice "College" TV room with about fifty other guys. Bama was mediocre that year and has lost to Auburn 49-26 the previous week.  I was starving for a good football game and this was it.  A few people hooted when Tricky Dick made it into a photo op but looking back now I can't blame him. Helluva game and to win on the road like that and win late, made this a vintage well-earned natty for Coach Royal and the boys. James Street could spear a goddam marlin with the points of his sideburns. Bravo OP for helping us remember.

  8. 27 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

    We women welcome y’all to the “No Shit Skylar Isn’t A Supportive Wife!” club!

    And don’t forget she had a disabled son and was pregnant when all that shit got dumped on her.

    Skylar always made me think of Monica Vitti, which made me feel kinda warm and fuzzy, which I liked. I was compelled to sympathize with Skylar and all of the predicaments Walt's bizarre schemes put her in.

    MonicaVittiFansClub on Twitter | Italian beauty, Women smoking, Beauty

  9. 2 hours ago, lilMAC25 said:

    Still waiting on Biopsy results, but drained another 1L of fluid off his other lung and sent him home yesterday in good spirits. He’s stubborn, so as long as he intends to be stubborn against cancer, I can see him kicking it’s ass.

    That's the ticket. Never give up. Never give in. Fuck those cancer cells in their microscopic goat asses.

  10. Who is more Trumprepugnant Batshit Crazy, Kari Lake or Marjorie Taylor Greene? It’s like watching a monkey playing with a hand grenade. You know how it’s going to end but you just can’t stop looking. Except and alas, these assholes have thousands of supporters who actually vote for them. Jaysus, Mary and Joseph, how did it ever come to this?

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