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Posts posted by housious

  1. 1 hour ago, Wally Fairway said:

    When (if) interest rates rise again, it will kill the auto industry and the home builders. Because their business model is based on selling $60,000 SUVs & Trucks and $400,000 and up houses that have "affordable" payments based on near zero % loans for vehicles and sub 4% loans on homes. 

    Then again I'm old, because I remember double digit rates on both, and I thought I got a great deal on my first house at 9.3875%

    Wouldn't large interest rates essentially make the federal government go into default at this point? I was under the impression we'll never see high rates again. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, Pimphand said:

    Since 1995 there have been 120 starts by pitchers on 3 days of rest or less they are 30-44 with a 4.58 ERA. Sometimes they answer the bell but more often than not they run out of gas early.

    This combined with the Rays emptying the pen today against our slumping offense does not bode well which then means Cole goes in Game 5 and we are starting the ALCS off with Greinke.

    Urquidy better fucking pitch today.....

    The hypothetical ALCS rotation is irrelevant. They have to win now. 

  3. 38 minutes ago, Bevo said:

    I agree with the company on their decision not to hire her. She will be a pain in the ass. However, the company would have been smarter to just trash her application. Teaching people lessons, especially people who don't want to learn, is futile. Are her internet followers white knighting, looking for dates, or truly outraged? Also, I'm not clear whether Emily was publicly shamed or directed to a private link.

    And I'm not a lawyer or anything, but it seems like they might be opening themselves to EEOC liability

  4. 12 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    They have a claim against her in the suit, but other than describing what happened and her actions, it's fairly minimal.

    Sad/funny thing.  In their claim for damages for Botham Jean's short pain and suffering, they call him Jordan Edwards (search and replace error).  Jordan Edwards was the Balch Springs victim.

    The case should be dismissed on this fact alone

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