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Posts posted by housious

  1. Probably a dumb question, but I don't feel like reading through 591 pages of comments. Is it realistic that the Astros can re-sign Cole with the way he's pitching? Will they have to ship other talent elsewhere to make room for him? Have they been in the luxury tax in past? 

  2. 5 minutes ago, UDontKnow said:

    Will it go as the following:

    Game 1 - Greinke - HOME

    Game 2 - Verlander - HOME

    Game 3 - Cole - AWAY

    If so, call me crazy, but I think there is a decent chance of the Astros starting the series 3-0.

    I don’t know about all that, but if the Astros can win game 1 they will definitely be in a good spot.

  3. 1 hour ago, YChang said:

    Yeah. For me... my formative years as a Houston sport fans began in the 80s. Just so used to crushing disappointments with a few bright spots here and there. That switch just hasn't flipped for me like some of the other fans that are super confident—even when on paper the team is really really good, like the Stros this season.

    Glenn Davis and Mike Scott were my favorite baseball players when I was a kid. I don't keep up with the regular season these days, but my dad would make the three hour drive to the Astrodome for games 5 or 6 times a year. Needless to say, disappointment is the norm. 

    That said, the Astros are winning tonight. 

    • Like 2
  4. On 10/3/2019 at 6:04 PM, BradInATX said:


    And yes, comparing having to deal with a shitstain of a president while we all live in KB Homes and drive nice cars and complain on the internet on our $1,000 phones with a man who exterminated millions of people is absolutely disrespecting 6 million dead Jews. It's absurd and a testament to how far gone some of you are. This is why we lose elections, because liberals say stupid shit like "Donald Trump is worse than Hitler" and the entire middle 20% that we need to win just absolutely recoils in horror at the absurdity and self-centeredness of it. 

    Woe is us. OMG living thru Trump is like the holocaust! Whatever will we do. Get a hold of yourselves.

    KB Homes suck 

  5. 8 hours ago, RPM said:

    Make all the fun about Subaru you want. There's a ton of Outbacks in Colorado, especially in the mountains. Great AWD without being huge and decent gas mileage. Plus they're cheap.

    Keep selling yourself on one, I'll sit here and laugh

  6. 8 hours ago, UTexasFight said:

    I assume with tonight’s result, an Astros/Yankees LCS game 1 will be sat 7pm and Cards/Nats game 2 will be sat 3pm...

    4am-7am Austin to Dallas
    7am-11am State Fair
    11am-3pm Texas/ou
    3pm-7pm Dallas to Houston
    7pm-11pm Astros/Yankees


    I don't see how anyone could remain sober enough to make this work

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  7. 13 hours ago, Bama Chick said:

    If this guy is some kind of drug dealer, how did that fact not come up during cross examination?

    I find it hard to believe that information wouldn’t have been discovered by the DPD/DA when they investigated the people on the witness list.

    Law enforcement: Excuse me sir, are you a drug dealer by chance? 

    Dude that got murdered: Why yes, actually, I currently sell marijuana by the pound. Thanks for asking!

    Yeah, I'm sure that was going to happen. 

    • Like 1
  8. 10 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    so if public sentiment, including within the republican party, continues to favor impeachment, you are of the opinion that republican senators will ignore that polling and stick with trump, correct?

    Republicans in congress will bail on Trump as soon as it makes sense to politically. We're closer to that point now than ever before. 

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