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Everything posted by Jag102

  1. Well you would be wrong, his legal analysis is what matters at this level. Not emotions.
  2. So is he supposed to just say, "no I wasn't there, thank you"? How would you have reacted?
  3. Do you? Explain how temperament has any bearing in a court of appeals?
  4. You won't get there because, simply put, you are wrong, and have been for at least the last 2 years.
  5. One that last as least a month or two?
  6. What's the "Bob" reference too, an inside joke? You have not shown the perjury conviction, please do. Temperament for an appellate position? Do you think he will be facing a jury? Do you? Because he will not be, he will be writing opinions, that's how appellate courts work. You judge him on his legal analysis, which are revealed in his legal opinions. Do you really think that temperament in oral arguments is something you need to worry about? Hell, I believe I have read that one of the current justices sleeps through entire oral arguments.
  7. Yea, that's your published rate, not a single one of your clients pays that rate. Why don't you just go ahead and say your rate is $9000 an hour, your still gonna get the same amount, not that, please. I like the statment "Even if he is completely innocent...", if he is innocent, then he gets the job. You don't like the way he defended his innocence, so he gets the same result as if he was guilty. Is that justice...?
  8. If they are minor, why are we discussing them?
  9. What is "Boofing, FFFF, Devil's Triangle, Weak Stomach" and such? Is this supposed to be an argument? He has already been investgated by the FBI multiple times and the witnessess don't recall any of the allegations, so that is evidence in support of her testimony? He was never pinned down, and I don't have a another shovel ready, hopefully some logic though.
  10. Yes, and Justice Kavanaugh's testimony is evidence as well. That is all the evidence we have.
  11. Again, what lies? What are the multiple lies?
  12. What exactly did Kananaugh do last Thursday, other than deny the charges?
  13. Just for grins, how do you know what those attorneys are being paid? I think it is irrelevent, but you seem to place some glee in calling the guy a name.
  14. What is a sock account? I signed up a few hours ago and that is evident, my information that I submitted is true. I have been an observer from the HornFans days, a long time. Have you ever had a job interview? Simple question.
  15. No complaints here, you are exactly correct. Republicans have nobody else to blame.
  16. Have you ever had a job interview at all?
  17. All of the statments that said that he lied.
  18. Hugo, got to admit I do like your style, always have. Don't think I have ever agreed with you on this forum, but you are always you. No, this guy has no evidence of these allegations, he is just angry. It is pretty simple, the left is never going to support a Trump nominee for the SC, they are not, I would always be suspect of a Democratic nominee, especially since their nominees are always true to their convictions, not so much for my side.
  19. So you have no evidence of a lie, so you post this picture?
  20. I don't know if this statement is reliable.
  21. About the lies, did these arise after he was appointed to the DC Court of Appeals? Just curious, I would have assumed any of those statements would have be cleared by the FBI check. Also, about that Roe decision, there are many that think it was wrongly decided, much like Plessy vs. Ferguson. I am one.
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