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Posts posted by immortal13

  1. 4 hours ago, d2o said:

    I dont understand why he gets free rein on the sidelines.   Someone in the TOR organization needs to tell him to sit his ass down.    Any other person in those front row seats interjecting themselves into the games is getting ejected.   He should too.

    You being angry about Drake is hilarious

  2. 2 minutes ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    As bad as KD had been tonight, Klay has been worse..... 4-17, 2-10 right now and he doesn't usually put up a lot of other stats either.

    He hasn't been his usual self on defense either

  3. Just now, Vic Mackey said:

    Lebron winning makes you so angry lmao. It's hilarious.

    No actually I this point I hope he sails through to the Finals so he can break his own record for finals losses. 

  4. 35 minutes ago, Vic Mackey said:

    Lmao. Lebron still owns the Raptors in the playoffs. This is about as bad as it gets for Toronto. Cleveland never once led in regulation and you blew it game 1 at home. They shit the bed as usual.

    Oh but I am sure the game ball goes to refs again, right? Lmao.

    No, that was the last series, cunt

    • Fuck You 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Jhawk said:

    Did I miss something on the Love elbow??  Isn't that an automatic flagrant 1 at the minimum if you make contact with someone like that?

    Oh, you....

  6. On 4/29/2018 at 11:41 PM, aggie08 said:

    If I'm Golden State, I might sit Steph again on Tuesday. Make New Orleans prove that they can even compete in Oracle before risking it. With two days off between Games 1, 2, and 3, game 3 isn't until Friday. That's exactly 6 weeks from his injury, which is the upper expected recovery time. Even if the docs say he's 100% good to go, why not be extra cautious just to be safe?

    Conversely, if he plays on game 2--even if it's only for 20 minutes--that place is going to be electric, and they'll feed off of it.

    He's going to play, but I'd at least think about it. 2-3 games between games 3-5 is still enough time to get back into rhythm for Houston.

    Totally agree. Why use him if you don't need him.

  7. 3 hours ago, Artificial Iverson said:

    Lebron initiates the contact as a FB goes through the line of scrimmage aiming from the creases but is bound to hit the shoulders of the opposition. I really don't have a lot of sympathy for Lebron getting hit, same with Shaq. They are bullrushers 

    Stop being a hater!!

    • Fuck You 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Thatguy said:

    You really gotta let it go bro. We get it, you don't like Lebron. There were a couple plays that went against the Cavs too. No bigger one than the ball being obviously knocked out by Young a few seconds before the goaltend and they didn't even try to review it. It happens. However. you cannot be upset about one call, and refuse to see the calls on the other side as well.

    I'm not refusing to do anything. I can agree that It was a poorly officiated game in general, as I have already said. I'm not sure what the big fucking deal is that I made one or two posts concerning the missed goal tend. In my opinion, it was the most egregious of the bad calls in that game. Vic has made his opinion known about Durant going the Warriors over and over and over, yet feels the need to tell me to stop. Basically, this is an unmoderated message board that gives you an option to ignore whatever poster you don't like. Feel free to exercise that right. 

  9. 56 minutes ago, Sidney Sherman said:

    The thing with officiating is, it's bad the WHOLE GAME. They shove Lebron and hit him in the head and hand as he's going to the rack and he doesn't always get the calls. As long as it looks about even both ways, I wouldn't say it changes the outcomes of games. Just because they blow a couple of calls at the end of the game doesn't erase how many blown calls they have had the whole game leading up to that.

    Plus, everyone knows they swallow their whistles at the end of the games to just let the play decide what happens. 

    I don't know how many times I've seen an obvious foul go uncalled when a ball goes out of bounds, but they give the ball to the team that didn't get the call. It's just the way it is, it's a difficult game to officiate and they do the best they can. 

    Two things...both of the plays I'm talking about were at the end of the game at a crucial point, so a little different than just saying it was a generally bad officiated game. As far as game 5, a goal tend is a little different than a foul. There is no subjectivety with that type of play. It either is or it isn't. In this case it was and it cost the Pacers the game in my opinion

  10. 1 hour ago, Goo Punch said:

    Don’t you wish that the guy who always starts this fire would actually have the balls to participate in this discussion beyond “KD is a bitch who only wanted the easy way out!!”?

    But he tries telling me to stop for Lebron hating...and no I will not!!!! Lmao. At least my was directed at the potential changing of the outcome of games due to bad officiating. His beef is just he doesn't like team Durant chose to join. Who gives a fuck?

  11. 31 minutes ago, Vic Mackey said:

    Lmao! Lebron winning really grinds your gears. The classic whine about the refs after a game doesn't go your way. I know you can't accept the greatness of Lebron and will devalue him at any chance you get. Lebron goes off the court with a cramp and the Cavs actually extend the lead. But it's all the refs? Riiiiight. 

    And that was not goaltending at all. I know you wanted it to be but it wasn't by the letter of the law.

    Yeah it does, but what really grinds my gears is outcomes of games altered because of bad officiating. The game 5 missed goaltend was pretty egregious and changed the outcome of the game. I would have the same opinion whether or not it was Lebron. You have no room to be talking about what grinds anyone else's gears. You have posted 10-1 negative stuff about Durant. And yeah it gets tired, especially since he was a Longhorn, but I haven't tried telling you to stop....lmao

  12. At the time I was hoping he would go to the Celtics, and I think it would've worked out great for him there. Maybe he chose the Warriors because he wanted to play on a team with a good coach that runs a real offense instead of that iso-bullshit that the Thunder and half of the teams in the NBA run? Who knows or cares? In the end it was his decision to make and fans should just get the fuck over it.

  13. Just now, Patrick Bateman said:

    I don't think this is necessarily true.... it's an oversimplification of a complex decision.  Was competing for championships a prerequisite to part of the decision?  Of course, but he also is on the record as saying he wanted to try a different brand of basketball, he wanted to live in a different part of the country (he didn't take a meeting with Washington b/c he didn't want to go home), he wanted to be part of a vibrant organization.  He could have taken a small deal and joined Lebron and cruised to a championship as well, but he didn't.  I get the frustration of his decision for non-Warrior fans (which I am) but too many people simply say, "yea he wanted to cruise to a championship so he joined the Warriors".  That's elementary thinking.... The bay area with money, being in a motion, shared system, with a bunch of dudes around his age who were winning..... yea, that's a pretty seductive cocktail.  

    He wanted to play on a team with a real head coach that runs a real offense.

  14. 1 hour ago, TonyTexas said:

    Immortal is pure troll. When he had to put his money where his mouth is in the NBA Playoff Pool, he picked the Rockets over the Jazz in 6. 

    Did you not read my prior posts above, dumbass? The comment was tongue in cheek, not a true prediction. I do expect the Rockets to win this series, and then get curb-stomped by the Warriors. 

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