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Posts posted by The_Great_Hornsby

  1. 2 minutes ago, dcar00 said:

    how do you not get at least one T when the FT disparity is 18-2 and the fouls are 15 to 7?  unreal.  5 goddam years of this. fuck Shaka Smart and his feel good pussy ball shit

    Look, we are a slapdick perimeter shooting team, we dont draw fouls, we have 0 aggression, we dont look for contact... on the other hand, WVU is a punch you in the mouth, physical team, so of course they drew more fouls. At least they play with heart and aggression. Fuck Shaka, what a fucking clown. 

  2. Just now, dcar00 said:

    Huggins better not say a fucking word to the officials the rest of the way.  they got away with fucking murder the entire half.  Our coach is a complete fucking pussy

    The refs.... The refs..... We are getting curbstomped and we are talking about refs? We fucking suck dude

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  3. 2 hours ago, Lat22 said:

    Vince’s knee was down when he threw that TD to Ramonce. 

    First it was not a throw, it was a lateral, second it was not Ramonce, it was Selvin Young, third, it wouldve been first and goal and we also missed an extra point because we rushed to avoid the review

    So much fail in one post, yikes

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