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  1. My prediction is that their coach will be a little worse than what Pierce was for Texas. Just by being in the SEC theyll end up hosting a few regionals. But they will only make a couple of CWS over the next 4-5 years.
  2. Splurging and winning a title in softball? You better know a donor that really fucking loves softball. Otherwise, they would rather that money go elsewhere.
  3. Bronny isnt the bad guy here, he is the victim and I feel bad for him. LeBron is the bad guy. He is the one who put Bronny in this situation when he wasn't ready. The Lakers are also the bad guy for drafting a shitty player that wasn't even ready for the summer league.
  4. Seriously? Him being back would give us title contender status. Dude is a lockdown pitcher.
  5. This. I have no idea why people give a shit whether its turf or grass. The dirt is the only thing we need to change.
  6. Durant is pretty much the last guy I would associate with "alpha" on that team lol
  7. Aggy is very very unlikely to win it all next year. Could it happen, sure. Will it happen, probably not. Hell, LSU nearly went down to Wake in the year they won it. Spending big NIL bucks might get you a spot at the dance but you need so much stuff to break your way to actually win it all. Then from 2026 onward the aggies will crash and burn. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised at all if the aggies crash and burn this coming season.
  8. I too would enjoy some time on the Thailand shoreline
  9. I think you overstate your own importance
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