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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Definitely past time for a revamp. Glad they’re doing it and hope they pull it off. I went from a big fan to a no go in 20+ years.
  2. This is what’s head scratching…I’m pretty good staying in pocket and getting “all yellow.” The DBs seems to always be in perfect positions as if they knew the play.
  3. I need to work on passing. I went online and am getting picked left and right. It’s either Ewers or me…
  4. She allowed a 20-year-old kid to almost take out a protected target.
  5. 1. She has zero answers to 99.9% of questions of what went down that day. That’s not the FBI’s job. Her job is complete responsibility for everyone assigned to protect the former president/anyone under SS protection. 2. She hasn’t even visited the site. 3. She admitted she didn’t talk to SS detail at the event until 72 hours later. This was the biggest breach in decades. Please enlighten me as to why you believe she should lead this agency.
  6. If you can’t see it/hear it…I can’t help you.
  7. Complete embarrassment this person is running the Secret Service.
  8. I’ll look for your username. I’m BigBevo on PlayStation.
  9. Texas team (Austin) taking on a NY team to see who plays in championship at 4pm. Currently on ESPN.
  10. I pulled the trigger on some Big House tickets today….LFG!!!
  11. From what I’ve seen your point rank in the Longhorn Foundation needed to be >4,000 and likely even more.
  12. PlayStation here. I’ll be going to college station to whoop some ass the moment it plays.
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