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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by HendersonHorns

  1. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/04/22/columbia-university-pro-palestinian-protests-israel-updates/73409061007/ I guess this should go here. Seems to be happening at multiple Ivy League universities.
  2. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/poll-over-70-palestinians-still-maintain-hamas-correct-to-commit-oct-7-atrocities/ of course this is a Times of Israel article, so take it as you will. there will never be peace. 2 state, one state, no state. how do you defeat an idea? Imperial Japan is the only people I can think that got their identity smoked out to be a different people completely. if the situation was reversed, or if it was me in the Palestinians situation, I would vote the same way I imagine. I don’t know.
  3. Remember when it used to be a right of passage to find and/or hiding a playboy or penthouse!!?? Now, a 14 year old can watch “Fuck my Stepmom” any second any day from his closet. i graduated in 2000, so I did see a few dial up tittys after a 5 min wait for download.
  4. I’m not a shit talker much at games. Texas state fanbase was trash. Every one I met/saw. LSU represented in this tournament like it was being held in Red Stick. idk what will happen tomorrow, but we will be back in the 73 section. Those seats are are sweet. Insperity Club my wife said. here’s to going 1-2 this weekend. \m/
  5. At Cobos. good drive in. Drink specials for TOF. eat then to the Park
  6. Just cash(card) at the lot? Will there be spots mid afternoon (3pm) near where you’re taking about?
  7. @tx 3 putt Help me not be an idiot. parking is more than a days worth of tickets from what I see. I know you warned about street parking, but where to park in a lot?
  8. Lets start with I am 100% opposed to Packing the Supreme Court: agree - progressives called for this less than a year ago. Biden is against Eliminating the Senate: never heard this Changing Presidential Election to Popular Vote: Agree…. EC is how it should be. Medicare for All: have been against this in the past, but would rather have healthcare for all than spending so much money over seas Wealth Tax: agree Tax increases for anyone making less than 1million 2million as married couple. Agree Estate taxes below current exemption(probably should he higher) set to reduce in half in '25: ok Mandating EV conversion without any rational plan to produce enough electricity(read crash grid) agree Tearing out hydroelectric dams(100% carbon free) Yep Roe - stay with states 2A - leave as is. Border - closed to illegal immigration Undocumented: get citizenship figured out asap. Felony conviction or pending assaultive felony in another country should be sent back.
  9. What’s the point? It is a tragedy a young life was taken. 100% fact. Everyone lost. But for you to correct someone and point out “they” when there was no ill will in their post is stupid.
  10. Thank you! Great info. I assume we can come and go during and between games for GA? I got reserved for all the Texas games and that gets you into all the others. I didn’t know concessions were going to be limited, and it will be nice to go for food any time we wanted. I’ll check out parking. But think Uber may be safer since we will be drinking.
  11. Anything planned for the weekend of 3/1-3/3? Got weekend tickets today but hotels are expensive. Think we will stay with friends in Kingwood and drive/uber back and forth. any surly bar takeovers planned?
  12. In your opinion, if you don’t take the Chinese government at their word, you’re a conspiracy wacko? That’s a next level trust I wish I had.
  13. Food and drinks are here. should we start icing down beer? Not sure if there are specific coolers.
  14. Dumbass question amnesty…. how long do y’all tailgate after the game out there??
  15. First early game at home…… Donuts and Irish coffee?? Bloody Mary’s? our first game of the year. Can help setup Saturday morning if anything is needed. need to do anything except for burnt ends for the wife and me?
  16. I guess ou sucking cost us a night game vs KSU…….
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