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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by NAVY

  1. 21 minutes ago, BamaATL said:

    No, this is who he has always been.  It's just been left simmering under the surface until he really hit the national stage, but this is who he's always been; a cousin fucking jackass.  

    He got a lot of credit for stuff he was partially involved with, like the Mob takedown via RICO in New York.  Yes he was there, and yes he was in charge of the DA's office, but to say it was just him is ridiculous.  In the mean time, he soaked up the limelight and acting as if the entire operation was entirely his idea, never mind the 1000s of people that actually put it together.  

    Cool man. I’m not defending his ass. I was mostly oversees way back in the ‘when’  and seriously don’t know the details 

    I appreciate y’all’s perspectives 

  2. Rudy wasn’t always a piece of shit, right?  It’s been awhile, but I sort of remember him being known for cleaning up NYC maybe? Lots of time on Letterman, SNL. He was liked. 

    Did he change or did the light just get brighter? 

  3. 20 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    When lawyers are sued for defamation, don't they automatically leave the court room and engage in more defamation?

    It’s called freedumb 

    of speech or something, g 

  4. 1 hour ago, Augustus said:

    My God, how old am I that Jodie Foster is looking old?


    The last thing I remember seeing her in (and I absolutely loved her in it) was the Spike Lee film Inside Man with Clive Owen and Denzel.  Great film.

    Still wood 

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