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Posts posted by ADHD

  1. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

    In law school, I was sent to a convention for a Law student organization. Students from all over the country went to San Diego. It was on the cheap, so we were assigned roommates. Mine was a 400 lb dude from Auburn. The fucker BROKE our toilet seat. I found this out when I went to use it, sat on it (which opened up the crack he’d created), then stood up (which allowed the crack to close, pinching my goddamned ass cheek). I came out of there and just glared at him, and he laughed and said “oh yeah, I meant to tell ya, they use cheap toilet seats here.” No, you fucking fatass, you just broke a regular seat.
    Also, he later skipped out on a morning seminar to go to the nearby mall, which had a video store that had a VHS tape he’d been looking for (I sweatergawd, he actually reported, gleefully, that he’d been looking all over for this):

    I am certain that he voted for Trump.

    This story should be a movie.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Trump might be lying 

    I'd like to see what the percentage of things he says are true. It's quite possibly zero percent. 

    The more he repeats something the more absolute a lie it is.

  3. The dark web scuttlebutt is that Trump is already indicted, albeit a sealed indictment. Meaning he will have to remain president to survive criminal indictment. Or fanagle a Pence pardon.

    So, you bet your sweet ass there's gonna be hearings. Leading up to and after the Mueller report. It's gonna be another Watergate. A grand reality show.

    Btw, if the nude selfie is of Trump, we'll someday get a look-see at his scuttlebutt. If it's Milenia or Ivanka, we'll get to see some sweet ass.

  4. 1 minute ago, JimmyJames said:

    And while I don’t hate Hillary, I’m never gonna be able to forgive her for playing a large part in giving us a trump presidency. Lots of blame to go around but she gets a fair share of it.

    And while she was treated unfairly, tough shit. High stakes politics is never fair. 

    She won that election though.

    Blame Bernie. I do.

  5. She's been investigated more than any politician ever and what have they found on her...? She handled herself poorly and surrounded herself with yes men.

    No crimes at all, just par for the course shit.

    They couldn't even get her for IRS shit!!???

    Her crime is being mean to Republicans and boring to liberals.

  6. 1 hour ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    It wasn't just the media, though - that was a self-inflicted problem, a comedy of errors that she allowed to spin out of control due to a combination of hubris, paranoia and her shocking ineptitude both as a politician and managing executive. Hillary Clinton did everything she could have done to make the email story seem as bad as possible. And as it turned out, it was disqualifying. 

    Totally disagree. I still do not understand it. It's simply "busy work" and a little bit of IT kerfuffle.

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