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Posts posted by ADHD

  1. 10 hours ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    Why are you people, on both sides, obsessed with this nobody burger? Especially if you live in Plano or Woodlands or Circle C

    Anybody who says ________ "burger" ought to be fed to pigs. That's so out, as out as Facebook or Snapchat or (lol) Pininterest.

    Stop saying blah blah blah burger, say blah blah blah taco. Or blah blah blah crepe.

    Imo she's clearly an everything bagel anyway.

  2. Pretty much any democrat can and should win, except Bernie and Hillary. Even though they would win, it'll be problematic with those  two. The past is the past, and the past is dirty. Only Biden is unscathed. 

    I want a millennial fav with star power. That'll sweep those old dirty bastards in the GOP out of office. If u want to drain the swamp you'll need true idealists with fresh appeal and the unsullied reputation of a do gooder. Personally, I like Leslie Knope from Pawnee Indiana.

    • Fuck You 1
  3. The Democrats will be fine if they block then attack Trump and let him recoil into madness. Then clean house re Russia. 

    Clean fair elections = a blue wave. 

    Stop blaming Hillary, the election was stolen. We will find out later to what degree. I'm betting states systems were flat out hacked.


    • Fuck You 1
  4. 41 minutes ago, DDD Dad said:

    Why do these tin foil hat idiots seem fixated on pedophiles?

    In prison culture it's the line between good and evil. All these guys are white collar criminals, drug addicts, sex escort fiends, S&M fetishists and pseudo mobsters, so they find moral separation in kid trafficking.  

    They should obviously look at the Bible thumpers (like Roy Moore) and Catholic enclaves (like the Vatican) to find the child sex trade they so dearly want to find.

    Their implication is this is creepy Sorosesque illuminati stuff tucked away in Hollyweird and in House of Cards DC clubs, which it is, in abnormal amounts.

    It's a rich guy thing. And probably an apolitical one. Anyway nobody *really* cares about anybody else other than in the imaginary (not unlike the intangible love of fetuses by pro lifers) because sex trafficking continues unabated. Roy Moore got plenty of votes. The Pope is still divine. And Jodie Foster look alikes are still turning tricks in Vegas while Travis Bickle drives an Uber. 

    He's the only guy who cares.

  5. 43 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Somebody mentioned Trumpkins freaking out over Romney.   

    Romeny is ultra-high profile for a Republican, with a national profile.   A lot of moderates liked him.  

    He’s a Mormon.   Utah sent around a quarter of their votes to an independent Mormon.  A more well-known candidate could have racked up another 20 points and nabbed 6 electoral votes.   

    Trumpkins desperatley need electoral votes.  November saw the equivalent loss of around 55 electoral votes in states that flipped to the Dems.  States that Trump personally campaigned in last year.   States that Trump said were crucial to advancing his agenda.  

    NC, FL, and GA are probably in play as well.

    Trump is close to critical mass as far as losing in 2020.  People like Romney represent a true threat, because Romney is coming in hot off the heels of those Trump losses a few months ago.  

    And Mueller hasn’t even worked on the Trump family, and Trump’s economic policies haven’t fully hurt those states he has lost and needs to win back.  

    Mormons were huge Trump supporters. However they will be the first to bale on him for morality reasons. Although fringey in the Christian spectrum they have way more integrity than the fundamentalists and evangelicals.

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  6. What is this sudden love of walls insanity. 

    Reagan calling the Russians "the evil empire" plus "tear down that wall!" has devolved into "I'd rather be Russian than a democrat!" plus "Build The Wall because Walls Work!".

    Conservatives are stupid gullible rubes with no memory, critical thinking skills or integrity. They are dangerous goons.

    Imagine being teary eyed and swollen with patriotism and pride over Trump and the concept of walls.

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  7. Texas Aggy might be the worst thing on Earth. They represent everything that is terrible about mankind. War, bullying, stupidity, weirdness, embarrasmemt, obsession, insanity, delusion, cult idolatry, sexlessness, cowardice, obnoxiousness etc.

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  8. I've watched two relevant documentaries lately: A) Frontline about Putin B) CNN documentary about Mueller

    The upshot is this. If Mueller wants Trump, Trump is a cooked goose. He will get his man. Like a Terminator class android in a FBI director suit.

    Putin is a Soviet warrior. He wants to destroy America. And he will similarly stop at nothing to turn the United States into a Russian satellite full of Oligarch loot.

    The GOP is committing treason and Trump might as well be a Russian agent, and this is the moral component which guides Mueller relentlessly.

    Putin and Mueller are playing chess. Like Bobby Fischer vs Spassky.

    Trump is a pawn piece in the middle about to be crushed.

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